I was browsing the Internet as usual, and was actually looking for an English floral design glassware, so every search that display out the search result I kinda of click and click and click…
And suddenly the “Laura Ashley” baby brand name came out..being a so called one of the many millions of lover of their products, I just click again and when I look at the picture..my heart sank…
Somehow I felt really down..gosh I even feel like crying…ask me why??
Looking at those picture..yes indeed my heart sank. I knew that my life will never be complete until our dream to create our own little family is complete..Life will neva be complete without our own flesh and blood to fit into that special space that has long been created for them..
Cinta Hati kata “ Sabar ye Sayang, belum rezeki kita…Insya-Allah ada tu nnt..”
I appreciate that…those were his answer to assure me that everything will be fine..
Sometimes, it hurts when people can simply pass remarks like “ eh, jgn merancang, tak baik merancang ni” or “ huh, kena kerja kuat sikit, kena usaha lebih” or “ eh awak ni bila lagi ni, takkan asyik nak dukung anak org je” and etc…
It hurt and yes it really hurt…I mean it…so bug off..get someone else whose emotionally strong that you can pick over or pass your most insensitive remarks..
Did it ever occur to them that all happily married couple would want a child of their own as symbol of their undivided love? Or have they ever think that perhaps they have problems of not easily conceived due to certain reasons..no I dun think they will understand, not until it happen to themselves or their loves one..
I appreciate those who are concern, those who keep me up with support and advise
If you truly wanna help, try and understand, please dun just pass remark..I welcome most all the sincere thot that you have for me..
I know, the time hasn’t come yet and for that I would not give up in trying, hoping, dreaming and praying…sumday my sweet little baby gul will be place in this lavish room just like in this picture eh..not that I dun like boys, tapi pic ni is more suitable for baby gul kan…
( attached only 1 pictures, yg berkenan di hati…)
And suddenly the “Laura Ashley” baby brand name came out..being a so called one of the many millions of lover of their products, I just click again and when I look at the picture..my heart sank…
Somehow I felt really down..gosh I even feel like crying…ask me why??
Looking at those picture..yes indeed my heart sank. I knew that my life will never be complete until our dream to create our own little family is complete..Life will neva be complete without our own flesh and blood to fit into that special space that has long been created for them..
Cinta Hati kata “ Sabar ye Sayang, belum rezeki kita…Insya-Allah ada tu nnt..”
I appreciate that…those were his answer to assure me that everything will be fine..
Sometimes, it hurts when people can simply pass remarks like “ eh, jgn merancang, tak baik merancang ni” or “ huh, kena kerja kuat sikit, kena usaha lebih” or “ eh awak ni bila lagi ni, takkan asyik nak dukung anak org je” and etc…
It hurt and yes it really hurt…I mean it…so bug off..get someone else whose emotionally strong that you can pick over or pass your most insensitive remarks..
Did it ever occur to them that all happily married couple would want a child of their own as symbol of their undivided love? Or have they ever think that perhaps they have problems of not easily conceived due to certain reasons..no I dun think they will understand, not until it happen to themselves or their loves one..
I appreciate those who are concern, those who keep me up with support and advise
If you truly wanna help, try and understand, please dun just pass remark..I welcome most all the sincere thot that you have for me..
I know, the time hasn’t come yet and for that I would not give up in trying, hoping, dreaming and praying…sumday my sweet little baby gul will be place in this lavish room just like in this picture eh..not that I dun like boys, tapi pic ni is more suitable for baby gul kan…
( attached only 1 pictures, yg berkenan di hati…)