Date: Friday @ Office during lunch hour,
Location: In front of my PC with a glass of plain water and some cookies to nibble
(Pagi td dah makan laksa semangkuk)
Subject matter: Wow saya sgt gerun melihat rakan seangkatan saya punya bicara.
Lately, I’ve been in constant contact with my unimates. Yelah since dah pakai smartphone ni senang pulak nak berwhatsapp je kerjanya. Ok so when you are in constant contact with them ( like every once in few hours) byklah cerita yang dulunya tak cerita ( sbb dulu bercakap 2 -3 kali setahun) tercerita di screen masing-masing.
Takde apa pun cuma pelik masing-masing cerita hal kehidupan masing-masing tapi dalam berkongsi tu mesti ada part material. Honestly saya tak selesa lah. I’ve never known them for that. So now when we are all grown up masing-masing dah jadi isteri org, ibu org and masing-masing dah berkerja atau berkerjaya, ayat-ayat material keep comings. Seriously saya tak selesa. I’m trying to adjust to this new way of small talk but I ‘m not happy with it. Sikit-sikit tu boleh la but I appreciate if people don’t ask so much or state so much about my material life nor talk so much about their material life, Coz when they do that, they will start comparing them and you and others in the circle which I feel there is no need to do that.
I know money is important but please money is not the measurement of success in my eyes. Kalau ia pun kamu atau kamu dan kamu berjaya dalam kerjaya masing-masing, ia saya tumpang gembira untuk kejayaan kamu itu. Tapi kalau pun kamu hanya berjaya tak melangit mana, kamu tetap kawan saya dan ia tidak memberi impak atau kesan dalam persahabatan kita. Kamu berjaya mengikut ukuran kamu sendiri, begitu juga saya.
Location: In front of my PC with a glass of plain water and some cookies to nibble
(Pagi td dah makan laksa semangkuk)
Subject matter: Wow saya sgt gerun melihat rakan seangkatan saya punya bicara.
Lately, I’ve been in constant contact with my unimates. Yelah since dah pakai smartphone ni senang pulak nak berwhatsapp je kerjanya. Ok so when you are in constant contact with them ( like every once in few hours) byklah cerita yang dulunya tak cerita ( sbb dulu bercakap 2 -3 kali setahun) tercerita di screen masing-masing.
Takde apa pun cuma pelik masing-masing cerita hal kehidupan masing-masing tapi dalam berkongsi tu mesti ada part material. Honestly saya tak selesa lah. I’ve never known them for that. So now when we are all grown up masing-masing dah jadi isteri org, ibu org and masing-masing dah berkerja atau berkerjaya, ayat-ayat material keep comings. Seriously saya tak selesa. I’m trying to adjust to this new way of small talk but I ‘m not happy with it. Sikit-sikit tu boleh la but I appreciate if people don’t ask so much or state so much about my material life nor talk so much about their material life, Coz when they do that, they will start comparing them and you and others in the circle which I feel there is no need to do that.
I know money is important but please money is not the measurement of success in my eyes. Kalau ia pun kamu atau kamu dan kamu berjaya dalam kerjaya masing-masing, ia saya tumpang gembira untuk kejayaan kamu itu. Tapi kalau pun kamu hanya berjaya tak melangit mana, kamu tetap kawan saya dan ia tidak memberi impak atau kesan dalam persahabatan kita. Kamu berjaya mengikut ukuran kamu sendiri, begitu juga saya.
Material things like car, house, take home income, handbags, shoes, watch and etc is all in the surface, I pity you if you feel this is the only measurement in life, although we work hard to achieve certain way of standard, material is still only in the surface. They are more to our life that just that.
(WISH LIST A ) Anak seorang Alhafiz, Suami sentiasa tersenyum melihat isteri, Masakan dan air tangan isteri yang tak terbanding lazatnya, Solat jemaah dalam keluarga, rumah tangga yg rukun dan damai, tidur yang lena dan tenang, tubuh badan yang sihat, bersedekah walau dalam tangan duit tak pernah cukup, and the list goes on and on.
(WISH LIST B) Prada Handbag, Jimmy Choo Shoes, 100 K gold Bracelet, Europe Tour, Aston Martin car and as usual the list will continue selagi kita masih bernyawa.
So A or B? Terpulang la masing-masing. Hidup kita, kita tentukan jalan yang diambil. Tapi kalau tanya saya, dua dua pun mahu..hehe ;)
Ada masa-masa dalam hidup kita tersesal melakukan byk perkara, tp yang terkesal jangan terus diratapi. Kita hidup bukan untuk kisah semalam, tapi untuk hari ini dan perjalanan esok yang mungkin lebih mencabar.
So dear friends I hope now you understand why there are certain question or statement I leave it blank without any answer or remark. I do not want to be your competitor in life, If you are happy with yours, I am also happy with mine. There are times when I might seek for your help and advise, I hope when the times come you will lend me your helping hands ;)