With them,
u can never expect what will happen..expect the unexpected...
each with different character of their own, they have touch my heart, my life and my daily routine with many
colors and personality.
this year, it's a bit hard to accept that it will be the last year to celebrate my getting old day with them..
the surprises make's me really touch..
babes, i wanna thank you to be part of my life..u guls are among the most significant dearly people that i met in edar, this entry is dedicated to you babes..
Mya - My first so called mentor in Edar, thanks for inviting me in the circle. I hope we will be frens forever and ever..promise that we will always call each other no matter wat, may we become a succesful entrepeneur..Go Lace and Beads..yeah another one, do consider to be my neighbour okie. its a good buy there really ..hehe..
Ema - I like you the first time i saw u, coz at that time u r very shy and timid, but after getting to know u..Masyallah..kepoh jugak minah ni,,ahaks.
Thanks for trusting in me, i sumtimes dun trust myself : ) I promise here, that i'll attend your wedding day no matter where : ) and i hope u pick the right guy to be ur man, insya-allah.
Sarra - The one person that i never thot i can be closed wif, ( coz u talk less among us at that time nak match ngan I yg mmg ckp tahap mutan level 4, mya level 5 hehe) but time prove me wrong, now we always pick and choose the same thing almost all the time. Warrgh..De Javu..I'm sorry coz I have to be the one to say gudbye to Strategic Planning 1st. In the time soon , I pray that you will get want you really want k. You too I hope will pick the right guy to be ur man, insya-allah.
Kak Hana - Perasan matured but no so lah..hehe, always a shoulder to cry on, thks for all the support and advise that you're willing to share with me. i always think of you as the big sister amongst us, so u better act like one tau..
I'll miss ur nescafe panas yg selalu i sip bila u lalu..hehe.
I definitely know that i can neva get a bunch of wacko, crack, hyper, fun and etc type of fren like you guys..
Me lurve you all from the very bottom of my heart...and THANK YOU SO MUCH for e'thing we share..
plus thanks for the donut ala Cakes and the Cute and Adorable Green Kettle..jemputlah ke rumah..i'll make hot drinks for you all ; ))
Me lurve you all from the very bottom of my heart...and THANK YOU SO MUCH for e'thing we share..
plus thanks for the donut ala Cakes and the Cute and Adorable Green Kettle..jemputlah ke rumah..i'll make hot drinks for you all ; ))
1 comment:
knowing u like already written in my life diary by god! (Ya ampun.. ada anak murid yang degil nie memang susah)
Laughing with u like every words we said seems like a joke and no other gigantic or tiny problem in the world!
(We knew we both are fatter but we are still happy on Food!..we should replace that Jalan2 Cari Makan lady)
Talking to u like we dont have tommorrow to live!
(Sesuka hati cakap aku tahap 5!.., kau pun sama yek!!)
Dreaming with u makes my dream to be Martha Stewart can really happen one fine day!
(Lace&Beads is going one step further this year, 2008 ait!??)
Therefore, u are truly a good friend to me. Sandainya god decides that we never know,laugh,talk&dream again together even for another birthday celebration... I will always remember u..
Happy Birthday & Good Luck
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