Since the idea of having our own house and moving to our own house, I've been totally obsess of thinking, creating all kind of concept that can really suits our taste. But always deep inside I've always picturise my house to have the english concept i.e all pastel colours, with stripes and flower combination fabric, white furniture, border concept and etc. As my mum told me..since I was little ( dah pandai nak kata cantik tak cantik la tu), I always use the phrase "mama buat macam english style la". ( masa tu tak tahu pun laura ashley ke? or Biggie Best ke? yg tahu everytime watching those mat salleh movie, I've always fall in lurve with their style.. and imagining one fine day I'm gonna have that kind of interior..aduh being a melayu mur*** ke ni...ahaks...Till at one time, mama kata ko igt ko tu mat saleh ker? Coz she has always been more the oriental type / taste. But eventually she appreciate my liking : ) , Cinta hati pun mengalah je la..hehe..During our dating time, ya apart from watching movie, or makan sama2 we would actually spend our time window shopping and dreams at the furniture and household department..although he dun quite approved my interest and liking ( too girlish he condemned) but over the years he kindda go with me..A'way there is so many things yet to be done in this little house of us, ( of coz, every single item is keputusan bersama ; )but we gonna take a baby steps towards it k,....till then, this are sum pic that I took while enjoying this obsession of mine
At this point of time, I'm very much happy with this love nest that cinta hati has created for us.
I hope and pray that sumday, i'll be blessed with my own kids to share this beautiful place that we called home.
..rindu sama kamu jugak ya...
~ wah wah wah wah.... kok chantek bangat rumah kamuk ya...one day gue mesti kesana... :)
mana gambar vacuum and kettle yg kau curik kaler dia dr aku tu? ;)
jemputlah dtg rumah, boleh kita chit chat lama-lama kan..selalu asyik chat tepi meja je..hehe
kaler ku kaler mu jua..nak tgk mana brg2 tu..dtg rumah :p
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