Early morning the next day, we set ourselves ready back to Hong Kong, with only Disneyland in mind we are just like little kids again, eager and excited, I remember I kept looking outside our coach window and searching for the Disneyland landmark or whatsoever. The moment we reach the entrance, we both we so anxious to get down..hehe..
Disneyland HK is considered the smallest Disneyland in the world but still it is DISNEYLAND…the land of fantasy and adventure…the land where all your favorites cartoon character comes to live, the place they reside and play…Like a small community of their own I am totally madly in love with the place.
Its beautiful…No its cute...well its just like a dream...its clean, its fun, its full of colors and full of fun..and yes full of people too…It’s just magical!! Everyone is allowed to become kids again…and yes I did…CH’k did also…huhu. This is both our 2nd trip to Disneyland, where previously I was in Tokyo Disneyland when I was small...but somehow the feeling is just the same...The famous “It’s a small land” is totally in the same tune! CH’k had been to US Disneyland and him also having the same feeling towards this place....
We were so lucky that the weather is a bless the whole day long, at nite we even catch a firework played by the background of the great Sleeping Beauty Castle and creatively spark into the dark sky in the melody of all Disney movie…Everyone goes like wawww…ohhh…hhhaaaaa….claps….beautiful!
In Disneyland we spend our nite in the Hollywood Hotel…I feel like a super star…Everything in the bedroom is being bejeweled with the Mickey Mouse character…I like!! We spend hours taking pictures in the hotel area, the pool is great, the restaurant, the gift shops etc etc…
How I wish there is no tomorrow, how I wish this vacation will never end…but life is a reality…I’ll keep safe this memory of happiness till for ever…Thank You Cinta Hatiku for always making me feel special in the world of only you and me : )
Next year kita gi mana plak ? For me as long as you are there, it’s always good enough for me : )
i sooo love the last pic of urs.
-Miss E-
Ms E,
I always know you love me too ;)
chomelnyer...ira pon suka yg last pic tuh...fotogenic tau...
p/s: kedua2 pun chomel..muka mcm adik beradik..org tua2 kata "berkat tau".. :)
Thanks for the compliment Ira : )
Malu I tau..hehe
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