Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A Yesterday, Goodbye and Hello
It’s feel just like yesterday I’ve said goodbye to year 2007 where so many happiness and satisfaction has been shared and achieved…now without much delay 2008 has come to and end…well what can I conclude about this year in particular…2008…the year begin with my new beginning in work place..from being a stranger I’ve come to nestle quite comfortably with my surrounding, losing someone dear to fate name death, marking the middle of the year with a small operation to treat my fertility issue, a magical vacation with my beloved husband, keeping me wise with so many course and seminars to be attended, slowing down the year with a goodbye waved to my beloved father in law, aunts and uncle’s on their departure for Hajj and witnessing the blessed moments of my dear sis wedding as the grand finale of 2008…
So here I am again…wondering and thinking how soon time flies…2008 has passed with a journey that I shall never forget…personally to me it has been the year of progression though I think 2008 has been the year that I shed many tears of sadness and happiness or just in between for myself and for others…yup..I’ve progress (mentally + spiritually) and so does everything around me … I’m not saying dat I’m not hoping anything new in my life…but let it be just a small part of me hoping as 2008 has educate me with a gud lesson. “We planned but God decide with a better plan”. I pray that each day I’ll be stronger and wiser facing each obstacle from Him with more patience and submission. Never giving up : ) not yet …not ever …
So I’m welcoming 2009 with an open heart, with a great smile and new spirits!
So here I am again…wondering and thinking how soon time flies…2008 has passed with a journey that I shall never forget…personally to me it has been the year of progression though I think 2008 has been the year that I shed many tears of sadness and happiness or just in between for myself and for others…yup..I’ve progress (mentally + spiritually) and so does everything around me … I’m not saying dat I’m not hoping anything new in my life…but let it be just a small part of me hoping as 2008 has educate me with a gud lesson. “We planned but God decide with a better plan”. I pray that each day I’ll be stronger and wiser facing each obstacle from Him with more patience and submission. Never giving up : ) not yet …not ever …
So I’m welcoming 2009 with an open heart, with a great smile and new spirits!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Convincing : Truth or Just Thoughts
I’ve problem within myself…A problem that I realized I may need help with it...I am admitting to you people that I’ve problem of convincing myself…
Not that I’m so good at convincing other but sumwhere inside my heart I know I’m able to convince others with my humble knowledge, experience and sometimes with a little bit of over exaggerating…huhu..
Now my concern is I’m having this one part of me who wanted so much of it to happen till to some extend that I’m just convinced that it will not happen...Ever or just yet...to me…
I’m scared inside…at times I need to remind myself that there is nothing wrong with me, things like this happen, perhaps I need to take a break… a long or just a short break…or maybe a total ignorant of everything and let it be…but then a small voice remind me..God detest those who lose hope…No…I dun wanna lose hope not now, not ever...
And I dun want to let fate decide either without much of my effort, hopes and prayer….
Dear God, dun ever leave me in dismay…for I need you more than I ever know…Ameen…
Not that I’m so good at convincing other but sumwhere inside my heart I know I’m able to convince others with my humble knowledge, experience and sometimes with a little bit of over exaggerating…huhu..
Now my concern is I’m having this one part of me who wanted so much of it to happen till to some extend that I’m just convinced that it will not happen...Ever or just yet...to me…
I’m scared inside…at times I need to remind myself that there is nothing wrong with me, things like this happen, perhaps I need to take a break… a long or just a short break…or maybe a total ignorant of everything and let it be…but then a small voice remind me..God detest those who lose hope…No…I dun wanna lose hope not now, not ever...
And I dun want to let fate decide either without much of my effort, hopes and prayer….
Dear God, dun ever leave me in dismay…for I need you more than I ever know…Ameen…
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Beauty Of All Kind

This morning, I thought of beautiful people that came across my mind. Each with their own set of persona…with that I feel like writing…writing as it is part of my beautiful activities… Allow me to express my definition of beauty, readers may agree or disagree with this view with no malice intended.
Definitions of beauty are just too huge to be explained in neither a single breath nor a single paragraph. It’s too subjective, yet human by the medium of dictionary try their best to explain the meaning of beauty into meaningful acceptance for the human mind.
1.The quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).
2.A beautiful person, esp. a woman.
3.A beautiful thing, as a work of art or a building.
4.Something that is beautiful in nature or in some natural or artificial environment.
5.An individually pleasing or beautiful quality; grace; charm: a vivid blue area that is the one real beauty of the painting.
6.Informal. a particular advantage: One of the beauties of this medicine is the freedom from aftereffects.
7.(Usually used ironically) something extraordinary: My sunburn was a real beauty.
8.Something excellent of its kind: My old car was a beauty.
Let the dictionary conclude it’s own definitions….for me beauty is part and more than that …beauty is the way you carry yourself, the way you portray ourselves to others, your attitude, your manner, your behavior, the way you talk, walk and laugh, the way you listen or the way you get angry and expressing yourself out loud or with the subtle look. Each with a beautiful movement that lies in the eyes of the beholder who looks at you…beauty of this kind will surely makes me fall for this person and I will undeniably category him/ her as a beautiful person : )
Beauty in some part of you and not the whole part of you…or beauty in the whole part of you and not just a part of you…beauty that makes you want to stay longer..or talk a bit more longer…beauty that makes you wanna share more and give more…Beauty that will remain till the end of time…beauty of a relationship..beauty of a friendship…beauty of all kind…
Still for many, physical beauty remain the major focus on the definitions of beauty…Lucky for those who falls into one…with the smashing look, or just a flash of smile will steal the moments of people surrounding you : )
A’way here is the pictures of Hollywood celebrities that I’m mostly attracted too and can’t seems to stop admiring them. Yeah they are beautiful ! (missing is Charlize Theron, totally forgot to include her..and lecehlah nak edit balik pic nih :( )
A’way here is the pictures of Hollywood celebrities that I’m mostly attracted too and can’t seems to stop admiring them. Yeah they are beautiful ! (missing is Charlize Theron, totally forgot to include her..and lecehlah nak edit balik pic nih :( )
A note for CH : I see beauty in your deepest kindness towards me : )
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Yes, You Should Have Been a Musician
The 1st time I saw you, I definitely saw you as an artistic kind of person…
With the faded jeans, military colors round neck shirt with those long sleeves, smooth slightly above your shoulder length hair, and your jumpy shoes...yup. I definitely saw something in you…
Your deep set eyes with your firm long fingers, kind of tell me that you can play music…I was right when you confirm you can play the guitars , harmonica and pianos as well…Boy I fall for you in an instance…and fall even deep when you sketch / draw while talking… those are the thing that attract me into getting to know you even better…those art in you makes the first move, the first impression and the first attraction…the rest in you come as a total package that I find hard to live without …and so here we are today : )
I first learnt about jazz from you…it’s the least category of music that I would listen to, but you change me…I’m enjoying it now but only because you choose the right one…Those art in you brings the music in you…I love the way you tap your fingers, humming the sweet melody, played the guitar with songs you made for me, played the music each time you want to relax, those sound effect you played while talking and etc and etc….
With that dear, I totally agree that you should have been a musician instead of a banker…but still you make a remarkable banker instead a known musician :) A'way..would I marry a banker or a musician...erm dats a tough one! Thank God, I dun have to choose...
P/S: My voice is the most wonderful tune to your ears? Sure or not…ahaks.
With the faded jeans, military colors round neck shirt with those long sleeves, smooth slightly above your shoulder length hair, and your jumpy shoes...yup. I definitely saw something in you…
Your deep set eyes with your firm long fingers, kind of tell me that you can play music…I was right when you confirm you can play the guitars , harmonica and pianos as well…Boy I fall for you in an instance…and fall even deep when you sketch / draw while talking… those are the thing that attract me into getting to know you even better…those art in you makes the first move, the first impression and the first attraction…the rest in you come as a total package that I find hard to live without …and so here we are today : )
I first learnt about jazz from you…it’s the least category of music that I would listen to, but you change me…I’m enjoying it now but only because you choose the right one…Those art in you brings the music in you…I love the way you tap your fingers, humming the sweet melody, played the guitar with songs you made for me, played the music each time you want to relax, those sound effect you played while talking and etc and etc….
With that dear, I totally agree that you should have been a musician instead of a banker…but still you make a remarkable banker instead a known musician :) A'way..would I marry a banker or a musician...erm dats a tough one! Thank God, I dun have to choose...
P/S: My voice is the most wonderful tune to your ears? Sure or not…ahaks.
This writing is a response to Cinta Hati blog ( Iyer CH pun dah ader blog tau, he dun want to miss the boat of being the bloggers..huhu) : http://shahrirsubki.blogspot.com
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Izinkan aku bicara soal ikhlas...renungan untuk diri sendiri dan yg sudi membaca...satu topik yang aku kira sesuai dengan bulan ramadhan yang mulia ini....
Ikhlas, salah satu sifat baik yang diajar dlm agama Islam kita..kecil dulu mama sering mengingatkan.."berbuat sesuatu biarlah ikhlas.." "Apa erti ikhlas ma"...sambung mama..dengan pendekatan mudah " Ertinya berbuat sesuatu tanpa mengharapkan balasan"...kecil dulu pendekatan itu cukup mudah difahami, tapi kini kita menginjak dewasa, pendekatan mudah seharusnya dikupas dan diteliti mendalam lagi...bukan setakat tanpa mengharapkan balasan, ikhlas sebenarnya lebih dr itu....kita manusia, jgn putus mencari...jgn lekas menghukum..
ERTI IKHLAS DALAM ISLAM - taken from one of the Islamic site
Ikhlas ialah : " melaksanakan taat semata-mata kerana Allah sendiriNya, bukan di maksudkan memperolehi kebesaran dari manusia, ataupun penghormatan. Dan bukan pula untuk memperolehi sesuatu keuntungan dunia atau menolak sesuatu bencana keduniaan."
Tingkat-tingkat Ikhlas:
1. Melaksanakan ibadah kerana takut akan azab.
2. Melaksanakan ibadah kerana membesarkan Allah.Kerana merasai kehebatan Nya, kerana menuruti dan akur akan seruan Nya dan tiada pula terlintas di hati sesuatu maksud lain.
Lawan pada ikhlas ialah RIAK.
Ikhlas, bunyinya begitu mudah...namun melaksanakannya cukup berat sekali..
~ Aku ikhlas nak tolong kau...
~ I ikhlas buat semua ni...
Ikhlas itu, atau ikhlas ini....
susahnya mentafsir ikhlas yang sebenarnya...tapi yang lebih benar lagi, ikhlas itu bukan hak kita untuk tentukan..ianya hak Allah, kerana hanya dia yang lebih mengetahui...
Untuk diri ku, peringatan ini untuk menjadikan diri lebih peka sebelum membuat tuntutan ikhlas yg dilaksanakan...
Untuk yang lain, tepuk dada dan soallah hati...sejauh mana keikhlasan kita....
Salam Berpuasa semua : )
Ikhlas, salah satu sifat baik yang diajar dlm agama Islam kita..kecil dulu mama sering mengingatkan.."berbuat sesuatu biarlah ikhlas.." "Apa erti ikhlas ma"...sambung mama..dengan pendekatan mudah " Ertinya berbuat sesuatu tanpa mengharapkan balasan"...kecil dulu pendekatan itu cukup mudah difahami, tapi kini kita menginjak dewasa, pendekatan mudah seharusnya dikupas dan diteliti mendalam lagi...bukan setakat tanpa mengharapkan balasan, ikhlas sebenarnya lebih dr itu....kita manusia, jgn putus mencari...jgn lekas menghukum..
ERTI IKHLAS DALAM ISLAM - taken from one of the Islamic site
Ikhlas ialah : " melaksanakan taat semata-mata kerana Allah sendiriNya, bukan di maksudkan memperolehi kebesaran dari manusia, ataupun penghormatan. Dan bukan pula untuk memperolehi sesuatu keuntungan dunia atau menolak sesuatu bencana keduniaan."
Tingkat-tingkat Ikhlas:
1. Melaksanakan ibadah kerana takut akan azab.
2. Melaksanakan ibadah kerana membesarkan Allah.Kerana merasai kehebatan Nya, kerana menuruti dan akur akan seruan Nya dan tiada pula terlintas di hati sesuatu maksud lain.
Lawan pada ikhlas ialah RIAK.
Ikhlas, bunyinya begitu mudah...namun melaksanakannya cukup berat sekali..
~ Aku ikhlas nak tolong kau...
~ I ikhlas buat semua ni...
Ikhlas itu, atau ikhlas ini....
susahnya mentafsir ikhlas yang sebenarnya...tapi yang lebih benar lagi, ikhlas itu bukan hak kita untuk tentukan..ianya hak Allah, kerana hanya dia yang lebih mengetahui...
Untuk diri ku, peringatan ini untuk menjadikan diri lebih peka sebelum membuat tuntutan ikhlas yg dilaksanakan...
Untuk yang lain, tepuk dada dan soallah hati...sejauh mana keikhlasan kita....
Salam Berpuasa semua : )
Monday, August 18, 2008
Ayat-ayat Cinta

Hari ini rasa terpanggil menjadi pengulas filem...ooopsss bukan pengkritik ya!
Weekend lepas, berpeluang menonton filem ayat-ayat cinta, sebuah filem yang cukup popular di Indonesia. Karya asal saudara Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Sebuah kisah kehidupan seorang pelajar di bumi Mesir yang tidak sepi dengan perasaan cinta dan dicintai...
Bagi seorang seperti aku yang percaya akan kewujudan cinta, aku kira filem ini cukup menyentuh hati, apa lagi menyentuh jiwa seorang isteri yang sanggup melakukan apa sahaja walau kadang perkara itu cukup melukakan hati...
Kisah Fahri, yang aku kira cukup bertuah kerana dicintai oleh 4 wanita...Nurul, Maria, Noura & Aisyah...tapi bukan semua cinta berakhir dengan ikatan perkahwinan...demi cinta manusia jua sanggup melakukan perkara terkeji..sehingga Fahri difitnah dan dipandang hina. Isterinya Aisyah lambang seorang wanita mulia yang sanggup melakukan pengorbanan demi keselamatan dan kebahagian suami, jua memberi ruang buat seorang gadis Kristian bernama Maria mendapat hak/ keadilannya sendiri. Air mata mengalir sama takhala melihat Aisyah menangis apabila Fahri menikahi Maria.
Kisah itu tidak berakhir di saat Fahri menikahi Maria, kisah perkongsian suami juga banyak membuat penonton bermain dengan emosi...
Tak cukup pantas aku membuat kesimpulan ttg cerita ini, tak perlu aku memberi rating berapa bintang untuk filem ini..Namun bagi aku filem ini cukup terkesan, lakonan yang bagus, soundtrack popular, props and setting yang hebat, tauladan yang banyak mengingatkan kita ttg kelalaian kita dlm hubungan lelaki & wanita, ttg manusia yang tidak pernah lepas dari melakukan kesilapan, susahnya berlaku adil dan fitnah yang cukup menyakinkan ( tapi tidak cukup menyakinkan seorang isteri...) ermmm tetiba teringat seorang tokoh politik...maaf tersasar...tapi bagi teman-teman yang belum menonton filem ini, suka aku cadangkan untuk mengisi masa lapang kalian dengan filem ini...mungkin juga review ini agak terlewat ya!
Ayat - ayat Cinta Trailer : http://www.videogully.com/FILEM-AYAT-AYAT-CINTA__fHh2gT99ZTM.html
Sunday, August 10, 2008
My Magical Vacation : Part II
Early morning the next day, we set ourselves ready back to Hong Kong, with only Disneyland in mind we are just like little kids again, eager and excited, I remember I kept looking outside our coach window and searching for the Disneyland landmark or whatsoever. The moment we reach the entrance, we both we so anxious to get down..hehe..
Disneyland HK is considered the smallest Disneyland in the world but still it is DISNEYLAND…the land of fantasy and adventure…the land where all your favorites cartoon character comes to live, the place they reside and play…Like a small community of their own I am totally madly in love with the place.
Its beautiful…No its cute...well its just like a dream...its clean, its fun, its full of colors and full of fun..and yes full of people too…It’s just magical!! Everyone is allowed to become kids again…and yes I did…CH’k did also…huhu. This is both our 2nd trip to Disneyland, where previously I was in Tokyo Disneyland when I was small...but somehow the feeling is just the same...The famous “It’s a small land” is totally in the same tune! CH’k had been to US Disneyland and him also having the same feeling towards this place....
We were so lucky that the weather is a bless the whole day long, at nite we even catch a firework played by the background of the great Sleeping Beauty Castle and creatively spark into the dark sky in the melody of all Disney movie…Everyone goes like wawww…ohhh…hhhaaaaa….claps….beautiful!
In Disneyland we spend our nite in the Hollywood Hotel…I feel like a super star…Everything in the bedroom is being bejeweled with the Mickey Mouse character…I like!! We spend hours taking pictures in the hotel area, the pool is great, the restaurant, the gift shops etc etc…
How I wish there is no tomorrow, how I wish this vacation will never end…but life is a reality…I’ll keep safe this memory of happiness till for ever…Thank You Cinta Hatiku for always making me feel special in the world of only you and me : )
Next year kita gi mana plak ? For me as long as you are there, it’s always good enough for me : )
Friday, August 08, 2008
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
My Magical Vacation : Part I
I’m having the fun of my life during our recent annual vacation. This time the destination is Hong Kong & Shenzhen in the Republic of China…
It was nite when we reach HK, the whether is a bit warm as there are facing their summer season during our arrival, we have already expected this whether so we are very much prepared with lot’s of easy clothing and 100% cotton based material being packed…for the skin to breath : )
We spent a nite in a very small room hotel ( probably 3 star hotel) in the Town call Yuo Mei Tei (The Bridal Tea Town). Is very much like our very own Petaling Street area with lots of small stall operator and old building located in the side ways…The hotel is very small but to my surprise it is very complete and super clean.
The next day we were bring for a tour around HK, to my shock HK is a very busy city with public transportation located in every corner you can see. Tall building i.e skyscrapers and city park are everywhere. People were busy walking like small ants. We went to the jewelry factory where I got myself a pair of earring, the tea house, the Aberdeen fishing village, Shopping Street where we had a Muslim food operated by a Muslim Singaporean, Ocean Park the famous theme park in HK and etc...
Tired! Nope, we continued the journey by express train around 45 minutes to the border of Shenzhen we were spend 2 beautiful nite’s in the Felicity Hotel, a five star hotel with spacious room. I saw Tun Dr Mahathir as one of the prominent visitors that they highly look up to :)
In Shenzhen we start our journey by visiting the nearest shopping malls where lot of Yuan and Yuan and Yuan is being spend in the noble objective to promote the Shenzhen people economic growth…haha..
The next day, we went to the Jade Factory where CH’k bought me a 6 colors jade bracelet..Tq dear…hehe, then we went to the silk factory, well I’m not so much into China Silk design over there.. my preference is more into small floral and sweet pastel colors which they dun really have much choice there :( , next we when to the Alternative Medicine Expert…erm boleh caya ke? But at last we still spend into some Chinese Herbal Medicine..after this CH’k will be much mighty and healthy..hehe!
Our next destination is the Splendid China Park, where here they display all kind of historical, interesting, unique and wonderful places located in all over China. Everything is design and built into detail pieces. I salute you Chinese for making and replicating it again!! I was really tired as so much walking is being done. In the evening while enjoying the cultural show (dance and war) we also took chance to take a break from walking :) Ending the day at Splendid China with a decent dinner recommended by our tour guide, well the dinner is very delicious (mutton meat and veggie pie…yummy!!). In fact, we pack some for our late suppers…huhu.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
People from My past....
There something about today that makes me stumbles upon people from my past…
Kind of funny, coz the least you thot about them, the more they draw closer to you…in thot maybe…
The more you try to forget, the more vivid it becomes…
Nope...I dun hate them…I never intended to totally shut them out of my life…at least that was wat I thot when I closed the past behind..sumday we will reconcile back everything…but I never really want dat sumday to happen…
Only sumtimes, when u feels no longer “comfortable” from the people from your past…you tend to take yourself away…too faraway that you lost track of your way back to them…sad…some people can never really change…it skinned them to death…sad…sum stories remain never end…sad…when we have to face reality…sad when the truth hurt..sad..sum ppl can never be called family…
However…people from my past that I stumble upon for the pass few days are long lost frens, noncontact able frens ( residing in the zone of nowhere) , frens who are drown so much in the corporate world and busy life, frens who has been indulging too much on parenthood dat they tend to forget sum frens who have no common possession like them, or fren dat suddenly appear to ring the wedding bells ( nice wedding card this day huh?) , frens who I thot will never meet again etc etc…none from the “comfortable” zone person..
Weird how today I thought a lot about them…
How are they doing? Are they happy with their life? Do they have their own family? What would I say if we meet again? Will I still look at them they way I used too look at? Will they still remember what we used to chat? Etc etc….sumtimes I miss them the most + sumtimes I just dun…I guess it’s better to keep distance this way…
One thing for sure, my Dear Husband has always been in my past, presence and Insya-Allah in futures to come…
Friday, July 11, 2008
The Sudden Escapade

Sumtimes…No!...I mean most of the time I kinda act spontaneously in life, especially event that dun need much attention and resources…ahaks.
Yesterday was an example of one…
I was super miserable + sick + sad and in the need of sumone who can be by my side at least all day long…
Of coz, who else would voluntarily being the one but my CintaHati…he’s always there for me, by the word always… I mean he’s been there every time I’m down and needed support…Dia Doktor Hatiku…: ))
I wish that everyone in love or couples would be blessed with someone like him…He’s just the best..Opps am I praising him too much…sorry but I was just so touched by his kindness act yesterday…
So in the quest of making her beloved wife smile and being cheerful again, he decided to take a day leave from his busy schedule and take a route of an escape to Genting Highland…
And yes, he brought smile to my dull face...he fills my day…he listen attentively to all my sorrows…he wipe my tears…he provide me comfort and so much more…I feel like singing..lalala
Want more I want from him?…nothing actually...I just hope that he’ll stay this way…till the end of time…Thank You God for allowing him to be part of me…
Yesterday was an example of one…
I was super miserable + sick + sad and in the need of sumone who can be by my side at least all day long…
Of coz, who else would voluntarily being the one but my CintaHati…he’s always there for me, by the word always… I mean he’s been there every time I’m down and needed support…Dia Doktor Hatiku…: ))
I wish that everyone in love or couples would be blessed with someone like him…He’s just the best..Opps am I praising him too much…sorry but I was just so touched by his kindness act yesterday…
So in the quest of making her beloved wife smile and being cheerful again, he decided to take a day leave from his busy schedule and take a route of an escape to Genting Highland…
And yes, he brought smile to my dull face...he fills my day…he listen attentively to all my sorrows…he wipe my tears…he provide me comfort and so much more…I feel like singing..lalala
Want more I want from him?…nothing actually...I just hope that he’ll stay this way…till the end of time…Thank You God for allowing him to be part of me…
Saturday, June 21, 2008
I cry ; (
I was watching the Incredible Hulk Movie when I realised that I've been crying silently almost the whole time of the movie. As usual Cinta Hati will wipe my tears with a smile and his gentle touch. I ask myself why was I crying ( well this isn't the 1st time I cry while watching movie, or even commercial ads..I guess I'm easily touch..yeah that women kind of thing : ))
A'way while talking to Cinta Hati, I told him I cry becoz :
I cry for the feeling of loneliness that Bruce must have felt over the years of his survival. It seems to really touch my heart to see how he fills his time to keep up with his loneliness...
I cry coz I can't bear looking at 2 person who's deeply in love has to live separately for the rest of their life, when we love a person, being apart is just an unbearable feeling...
I cry coz I can feel how difficult it is to put your life in danger for the sake of the one you love, sumtimes we even risk our life in the hand of the of the person that we love, but the whole world see how bad he/she is...just imagine the life of the convicted murderer or drug addict wife/husband...
I cry coz of the sacrifice that a lover will do to protect the one that we love....
I cry for all those reasons which is clearly potray in that movie...that all person in love should / will have a kind heart....
P/s : "Tuhan kirimkanlah Aku, Kekasih yang baik hati, Yg Mencintai Aku, Apa adanya..."
Munajat Cinta / Dhani
A'way while talking to Cinta Hati, I told him I cry becoz :
I cry for the feeling of loneliness that Bruce must have felt over the years of his survival. It seems to really touch my heart to see how he fills his time to keep up with his loneliness...
I cry coz I can't bear looking at 2 person who's deeply in love has to live separately for the rest of their life, when we love a person, being apart is just an unbearable feeling...
I cry coz I can feel how difficult it is to put your life in danger for the sake of the one you love, sumtimes we even risk our life in the hand of the of the person that we love, but the whole world see how bad he/she is...just imagine the life of the convicted murderer or drug addict wife/husband...
I cry coz of the sacrifice that a lover will do to protect the one that we love....
I cry for all those reasons which is clearly potray in that movie...that all person in love should / will have a kind heart....
P/s : "Tuhan kirimkanlah Aku, Kekasih yang baik hati, Yg Mencintai Aku, Apa adanya..."
Munajat Cinta / Dhani
Thursday, June 12, 2008
I'm Tired
The only thing that I feel now is the feeling of tired.....
I'm tired for being apart from my beloved hubby ...
I'm tired to keep up with so many things to do at the office..
I'm tired to hear the same old excuse that this people are giving to me...
I'm tired of facing the same story from the same people everyday...
I'm tired of racing to get to work, and tired of driving facing the traffic..
I'm tired of trying to finish e'thing on time while other ppl are not....
I'm tired to do a lot of thing, and yes I'm tired coz I've no other choice but to accept e'thing with a happy feeling.......
I'm tired of listening to my own dilemma, complaints and conflict in my own self...
I'm tired of even having to write this...
P/s : I'm surviving this period only becoz I believe tomorrow will be better...and coming end July I'll be going off for a peaceful vacation...which I hope will erased every moment of my tiredness........
I'm tired for being apart from my beloved hubby ...
I'm tired to keep up with so many things to do at the office..
I'm tired to hear the same old excuse that this people are giving to me...
I'm tired of facing the same story from the same people everyday...
I'm tired of racing to get to work, and tired of driving facing the traffic..
I'm tired of trying to finish e'thing on time while other ppl are not....
I'm tired to do a lot of thing, and yes I'm tired coz I've no other choice but to accept e'thing with a happy feeling.......
I'm tired of listening to my own dilemma, complaints and conflict in my own self...
I'm tired of even having to write this...
P/s : I'm surviving this period only becoz I believe tomorrow will be better...and coming end July I'll be going off for a peaceful vacation...which I hope will erased every moment of my tiredness........
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Hilang semua janji
Semua mimpi-mimpi indah
Hancur hati ini
Melihat semua ini
Lenyap telah lenyap
Kebahagian di hati
Ku hanya bisa
Menangisi semua ini
Hancur hati ini
Melihat kau telah pergi
Langit menjadi
Gelap berkelabu
Menyelimuti hatiku
Mengubah seluruh hidupku
Mengapa semua jadi begini
Perpisahan yang terjadi
Diantara kita berdua
Ku akan menanti
Sebuah keajaiban
Yang membuat kita
Bisa bersama kembali
Hilang semua janji
Semua mimpi-mimpi indah
Hancur hati ini
Melihat semua ini
Lenyap telah lenyap
Kebahagian di hati
Ku hanya bisa
Menangisi semua ini
Hancur hati ini
Melihat kau telah pergi
Langit menjadi
Gelap berkelabu
Menyelimuti hatiku
Mengubah seluruh hidupku
Mengapa semua jadi begini
Perpisahan yang terjadi
Diantara kita berdua
Ku akan menanti
Sebuah keajaiban
Yang membuat kita
Bisa bersama kembali
Friday, May 23, 2008
Physically challenge :(
18/ 19th May 2008
I did everything that any wife would do...
Since early morning I’ve been busy with house chores from cleaning, laundering, cooking and even baking!!
I’ve done all I could to fill my day with house list full activities...and I’m doing everything with great feeling of joy...
20th May 2008 till the moment I'm blogging on this
Totally physically challenge I am with any rough movement (yes rough would be the best word to describe my movement when I’m physically fit). Getting help from those people who is taking care of me...Help with moving, walking, taking things and etcetera.
It even make your mind goes really slow...sigh
I’m weak...and how today I wish I’m fit again... For a moment, I appreciate each movement I’ve made before.
Hoping for a speedy recovery so that I can go hyper again : )
I did everything that any wife would do...
Since early morning I’ve been busy with house chores from cleaning, laundering, cooking and even baking!!
I’ve done all I could to fill my day with house list full activities...and I’m doing everything with great feeling of joy...
20th May 2008 till the moment I'm blogging on this
Totally physically challenge I am with any rough movement (yes rough would be the best word to describe my movement when I’m physically fit). Getting help from those people who is taking care of me...Help with moving, walking, taking things and etcetera.
It even make your mind goes really slow...sigh
I’m weak...and how today I wish I’m fit again... For a moment, I appreciate each movement I’ve made before.
Hoping for a speedy recovery so that I can go hyper again : )
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
8th of May

8th of May come again…
Nope, it’s not our wedding anniversary…but it’s the 10 years of our togetherness…
Time is no measurement, for I know ( God willing, Insya-allah ) we shall be together for the next 20 or 30 or 50 or even 100 years later.....you still remember do you, when you said you wanna grow old with me..till we loose our teeth : )
The same date when Cinta Hati enlightens my heart, sincerely telling me how he felt for me…
And since that date...The story continues…
My Dear,
True love stories never have endings and true couples will remain to be the main character in the stories of their own.
Thank you for everything that you have done for me, for your constant support and motivation for all the years that has been and will be…
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I’ll never give up on you….

This morning, a phone call from a friend makes me shed my tears…
Tears of happiness and tears of hope…
Tears of happiness and tears of hope…
She shared with me a story about a woman that has been waiting for 12 years to have her own child…and finally her prayers was answered without she even realize it until the doctor inform her that she was 5 months pregnant. Upon hearing the doctor saying, she cried and thank God for the wonderful gift...I cry coz I can imagine how she must have felt at that moment...
12 years...And God finally bestowed upon His blessing to this lady…
12 years...And God finally bestowed upon His blessing to this lady…
I’ve been asking a lot to myself, when will my turn come and this story make me realized that my complaints is just to little to be compared to the 12 years of waiting…
This story make me even stronger and motivates me to keep hoping and praying that this period of waiting will someday end to the right closure.
This story make me even stronger and motivates me to keep hoping and praying that this period of waiting will someday end to the right closure.
::To my other friends whom you know who you are, I’m sure everything happens for a reason, reasons that will always keep us close to what we belief…and for that we shall keep trying, hoping and praying that we too will someday become a mother…
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
A refrigerator monolog??

I have a weird habit lately where I can sat still in front my "Lappy Daisy " and browsed the net just to find pictures that matches / excite me for the day. Last weekend I was so into pastel blue and white and I can keep on searching till I dun realised that I've waste so much time doing that..This morning, I kind of remember the coloured fridge by SMEG for no particular reason and start searching for it. FYI, it's available in KL coz, I've seen the advertisement everywhere.. I do remember when I ask my ex-collegue Prasaj last time.. "Fren, where can i get a green refrigerator"..he responded " why do you even need a colored fridge?".."well to match my house colour scheme..all I see is the big silver box ( referiing to the fridge) and I dun fancy them that much.." He just laugh and say "women and their attraction to physical thing" ..
Yes I know how high tech ( i mean the not so nice thingy) it can be..but deep inside I'm still a person that is more into looks rather than functionality huhu (yes physical attraction )..oh so sad to admit this..no i'm no BIMBO!!, It's just that colours + beauty really catches my eyes and attention..( how shallow this sounds??) so that was the first time I get to know about SMEG, but it's expensive ( factor that swap me back into reality) !! Way beyond cinta hati and my budget..so in the end we settled for that typical big silver box again.........which is 4 times cheaper!!
But it's ok to keep the picture rite..and keep dreaming hehe.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Glad to be Home
Alhamdulilah I’m back in one piece from the most tiring course ever, (not physically but mentally)..
I’ve been entering in and out from class/ lecture hall from day 1 to day 28 since morning to nite, almost e’day… it’s been quite an experience to be there..but I’m glad and I’m proud that I managed to pull through the whole course except for few exceptional cases when I felt sick for almost 4 days..the gud thing is that though people that care most for me is so far from my sight, but new encounter whom you thought will be strangers in the beginning now turn to be a good frens within a very short period of time..may our frenship remains.
So many things to be told, but i just do not where to begin..all I know, every beginning will be followed by the ending at the end of the journey, the earlier part is always difficult..new place, new frens, new environment, new culture but the same old me, I guess it doesn’t blend quite well as I’m still adjusting to the new thing..but as the journey took place..e’thing went just nice and well, and come to the end..it is sad to say goodbye to each other coz, only god knows when will we see each other again especially for those in east malaysia ( my roomy )…that nite during the closing dinner…”kenangan terindah” song was played and it suits more than ever to my ears.. : ) and that ‘doa perpisahan song’ always make me cry..instantly when it played, so many things seem to be reminisced from my mind…
It is so good to be back home and to be with my sweet hubby that I miss all the time when I was there..
My dearest parents stayed overnight with me the moment I reached home..I guess they miss me just as much I miss them ..thks for their prayers..Insyallah I’ll pass with a wide smile on my face : )
To my normal and routine life, I miss you and I’ll treasure you even more..
I’ve been entering in and out from class/ lecture hall from day 1 to day 28 since morning to nite, almost e’day… it’s been quite an experience to be there..but I’m glad and I’m proud that I managed to pull through the whole course except for few exceptional cases when I felt sick for almost 4 days..the gud thing is that though people that care most for me is so far from my sight, but new encounter whom you thought will be strangers in the beginning now turn to be a good frens within a very short period of time..may our frenship remains.
So many things to be told, but i just do not where to begin..all I know, every beginning will be followed by the ending at the end of the journey, the earlier part is always difficult..new place, new frens, new environment, new culture but the same old me, I guess it doesn’t blend quite well as I’m still adjusting to the new thing..but as the journey took place..e’thing went just nice and well, and come to the end..it is sad to say goodbye to each other coz, only god knows when will we see each other again especially for those in east malaysia ( my roomy )…that nite during the closing dinner…”kenangan terindah” song was played and it suits more than ever to my ears.. : ) and that ‘doa perpisahan song’ always make me cry..instantly when it played, so many things seem to be reminisced from my mind…
It is so good to be back home and to be with my sweet hubby that I miss all the time when I was there..
My dearest parents stayed overnight with me the moment I reached home..I guess they miss me just as much I miss them ..thks for their prayers..Insyallah I’ll pass with a wide smile on my face : )
To my normal and routine life, I miss you and I’ll treasure you even more..
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Friday, February 29, 2008
My Shweettt Anniversary : )

This entry is supposed to be updated right after my anniversary day, but with my newest routine at that time, I’ve been delaying to post this entry. Delayed or not, I still wanna post this huh..hehe..I’m in the mood of LOVE and RINDU since I’ll be leaving my Cinta Hati for the course sumwhere in Ulu Selangor call Sabak Bernam..I’m kidda of sad to leave behind my Cinta Hati and Mysury my beloved home...But upon signing the closure with “ saya yg menurut perintah” I guess I wil have to go : (
Alhamdulillah, this year is the 2nd year since we tie the knot of commitment. I’ve always been thankful with this wonderful gift from Allah to have you as part of my life...And yes will be my answer to you even if you ask me for a million times. (Will you marry me?)
Enjoy sum pic that we took on dat special days of ours..
Alhamdulillah, this year is the 2nd year since we tie the knot of commitment. I’ve always been thankful with this wonderful gift from Allah to have you as part of my life...And yes will be my answer to you even if you ask me for a million times. (Will you marry me?)
Enjoy sum pic that we took on dat special days of ours..
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Someone's Watching Over Me
I guess I'm not feeling really ok..
Been really depressed and sad..for the same usual thing that have never really left my heads..
when its gone, i mean when i dun think of it..my life is 111% ok..but when it came back ..it's the most depressing and painful feeling ever...but hye..this will not stop me from being happy with my life...i just need sumone to tap me in the shoulder and assure that e'thing will be okay..and for wateva reasons..I always believe in him..thank you cinta hati for always watching over me...
Found myself todayOh I found myself and ran awayBut something pulled me backA voice of reason I forgot I hadAll I know is you're not here to sayWhat you always used to sayBut it's written in the sky tonightSo I won't give upNo I won't break downSooner than it seems life turns aroundAnd I will be strong Even if it all goes wrongWhen I'm standing in the dark I'll still believeSomeone's watching over meI've seen that ray of lightAnd it's shining on my destinyShining all the timeAnd I wont be afraidTo follow everywhere it's taking meAll I know is yesterday is goneAnd right now I belongTo this moment to my dreamsSo I won't give upNo I won't break downSooner than it seems life turns aroundAnd I will be strong Even if it all goes wrongWhen I'm standing in the dark I'll still believeSomeone's watching over meIt doesn't matter what people sayAnd it doesn't matter how long it takesBelieve in yourself and you'll findIt only matters how true you areBe true to yourself and follow your heartSo I won't give upNo I won't break downSooner than it seems life turns aroundAnd I will be strong Even if it all goes wrongWhen I'm standing in the dark I'll still believeThat I won't give upNo I won't break downSooner than it seems life turns aroundAnd I will be strong Even when it all goes wrongWhen I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe That someone's watching overSomeone's watching overSomeone's watching over Someone's watching over me...
(and thanks to Hillary Duff for singing.. as it kidda of lift my spirits and hope once again: ))
Been really depressed and sad..for the same usual thing that have never really left my heads..
when its gone, i mean when i dun think of it..my life is 111% ok..but when it came back ..it's the most depressing and painful feeling ever...but hye..this will not stop me from being happy with my life...i just need sumone to tap me in the shoulder and assure that e'thing will be okay..and for wateva reasons..I always believe in him..thank you cinta hati for always watching over me...
Found myself todayOh I found myself and ran awayBut something pulled me backA voice of reason I forgot I hadAll I know is you're not here to sayWhat you always used to sayBut it's written in the sky tonightSo I won't give upNo I won't break downSooner than it seems life turns aroundAnd I will be strong Even if it all goes wrongWhen I'm standing in the dark I'll still believeSomeone's watching over meI've seen that ray of lightAnd it's shining on my destinyShining all the timeAnd I wont be afraidTo follow everywhere it's taking meAll I know is yesterday is goneAnd right now I belongTo this moment to my dreamsSo I won't give upNo I won't break downSooner than it seems life turns aroundAnd I will be strong Even if it all goes wrongWhen I'm standing in the dark I'll still believeSomeone's watching over meIt doesn't matter what people sayAnd it doesn't matter how long it takesBelieve in yourself and you'll findIt only matters how true you areBe true to yourself and follow your heartSo I won't give upNo I won't break downSooner than it seems life turns aroundAnd I will be strong Even if it all goes wrongWhen I'm standing in the dark I'll still believeThat I won't give upNo I won't break downSooner than it seems life turns aroundAnd I will be strong Even when it all goes wrongWhen I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe That someone's watching overSomeone's watching overSomeone's watching over Someone's watching over me...
(and thanks to Hillary Duff for singing.. as it kidda of lift my spirits and hope once again: ))
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Home Sweet Home aka Micasa

Since the idea of having our own house and moving to our own house, I've been totally obsess of thinking, creating all kind of concept that can really suits our taste. But always deep inside I've always picturise my house to have the english concept i.e all pastel colours, with stripes and flower combination fabric, white furniture, border concept and etc. As my mum told me..since I was little ( dah pandai nak kata cantik tak cantik la tu), I always use the phrase "mama buat macam english style la". ( masa tu tak tahu pun laura ashley ke? or Biggie Best ke? yg tahu everytime watching those mat salleh movie, I've always fall in lurve with their style.. and imagining one fine day I'm gonna have that kind of interior..aduh being a melayu mur*** ke ni...ahaks...Till at one time, mama kata ko igt ko tu mat saleh ker? Coz she has always been more the oriental type / taste. But eventually she appreciate my liking : ) , Cinta hati pun mengalah je la..hehe..During our dating time, ya apart from watching movie, or makan sama2 we would actually spend our time window shopping and dreams at the furniture and household department..although he dun quite approved my interest and liking ( too girlish he condemned) but over the years he kindda go with me..A'way there is so many things yet to be done in this little house of us, ( of coz, every single item is keputusan bersama ; )but we gonna take a baby steps towards it k,....till then, this are sum pic that I took while enjoying this obsession of mine
At this point of time, I'm very much happy with this love nest that cinta hati has created for us.
I hope and pray that sumday, i'll be blessed with my own kids to share this beautiful place that we called home.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Semalam Ku Bermimpi
Malam ku bermimpi Hai dengan satu bintang Berkata-kata ku di jendela Ku lihat kanda tersenyum memandang Asmara bergelora Meresap ke dada Malam ku terlihat Oh sekuntumlah bunga Baunya harum menarik hati Tak sanggup menahan rasa asmara Meresap mendalam Mengusik di jiwa Sayang jauh di balik awan Wajahmu tetap berseri-seri Laksana bulan sedang mengambang Menawan dan menggoncang dalam kalbu Oh angin meniup Bawa daku ke sana Hasratku ingin bersama-sama Tak tahan rasa hati menderita Gelora asmara Selalu menggoda
The music keep on playin in my head since this morning...weird!!
Takde la pulak teringat kan Arwah P.Ramlee and Saloma, cuma tak sengaja kot..
Cinta hati, bersama dgn dia bukan lagi mimpi..tapi kenyataan yg cuma perlu digenggam erat..
bak kata tag iklan nokia "bila segalanya serba sempurna, genggamlah seeratnya". Its an advertisement yg terpampang besar di papan bill board Jln Loke Yew, tapi the meaning if you really understand, its way too meaningfull to be held as a phone tag..Yeah, mana ader hidup yg sempurna, tapi serba tu mungkin..and yes I'm thankful with each breath that I take..every morning and nite that i can wake up and sleep with no fear and worries. Sampai asyik mimpi je erk..hehe..oh now i know why that song keep playing in my head...
Thank You Allah.
Why am i melalut ni, nah..I am actually getting ready for another kursus in Putrajaya, so I better get going..catch ya later..
The music keep on playin in my head since this morning...weird!!
Takde la pulak teringat kan Arwah P.Ramlee and Saloma, cuma tak sengaja kot..
Cinta hati, bersama dgn dia bukan lagi mimpi..tapi kenyataan yg cuma perlu digenggam erat..
bak kata tag iklan nokia "bila segalanya serba sempurna, genggamlah seeratnya". Its an advertisement yg terpampang besar di papan bill board Jln Loke Yew, tapi the meaning if you really understand, its way too meaningfull to be held as a phone tag..Yeah, mana ader hidup yg sempurna, tapi serba tu mungkin..and yes I'm thankful with each breath that I take..every morning and nite that i can wake up and sleep with no fear and worries. Sampai asyik mimpi je erk..hehe..oh now i know why that song keep playing in my head...
Thank You Allah.
Why am i melalut ni, nah..I am actually getting ready for another kursus in Putrajaya, so I better get going..catch ya later..
Monday, February 04, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Some people say that diamonds are truly a girls befriends, like an unspoken benchmark or rule, diamond tend to be the chosen stone to seal the wedding or the engagement moment.
But have you ever thought about the colored /gemstones? I’ve been eyeing sum beautiful colored gemstones ring over the pass few month and decided to run a few check up on it. From my reading, this precious stone actually carry a symbolic meaning accordingly by each color, which relate to your birth month, birth stone, color and meaning.
Jan GARNET – RED Protect from nightmares and guidance through dark
Feb AMETHYST-PURPLE Peace & Protection, Sobriety and Tranquility
Mac AQUAMARINE-TURQUOISE Love, Hope and Health, Making New Friends
Apr DIAMOND – CLEAR Love, Eternity & Strength
May EMERALD – GREEN Curing Ailment and Magical Effect
June PEARL-CREAM Chastity and Modesty
July RUBY – RED Protection & Harmony
Aug PERIDOT – LIME GREEN Protect against evil and terrors of the night
Sept SAPPHIRE – BLUE Faith and Purity
Oct OPAL – WHITE / BLACK Hope, Innocence and Purity
Nov TOPAZ -Various colors Sanity, Life & Strength
Dec TURQUOISE -BLUEGREEN Happiness, fortune and Luck.
Feb AMETHYST-PURPLE Peace & Protection, Sobriety and Tranquility
Mac AQUAMARINE-TURQUOISE Love, Hope and Health, Making New Friends
Apr DIAMOND – CLEAR Love, Eternity & Strength
May EMERALD – GREEN Curing Ailment and Magical Effect
June PEARL-CREAM Chastity and Modesty
July RUBY – RED Protection & Harmony
Aug PERIDOT – LIME GREEN Protect against evil and terrors of the night
Sept SAPPHIRE – BLUE Faith and Purity
Oct OPAL – WHITE / BLACK Hope, Innocence and Purity
Nov TOPAZ -Various colors Sanity, Life & Strength
Dec TURQUOISE -BLUEGREEN Happiness, fortune and Luck.
Running through sum entry on the net, colored stone varies in price depending on the grade, origin of the stone, color, clarity and cut. However, this stone is less expensive comparing to the diamond, so it means that you can get a bigger one. The want that is in trend nowadays is the multicolored gemstones, i.e the ring is being made up with multi colored stones, and sum even with small diamond surrounding it .
So to all ladies out there, why not opt for these beautifully gorgeous gemstones as the symbol of your love to eternity. Make it colorful with various good meaning to you love life : )
P/ S : Maybe i'm just in the most happiest mode of my life now, coz I see and attracted to beutifully gorgeous colored thingy : )
Monday, January 28, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
W Forty One Updates
Its been quite sumtimes after my last entry.
So here I'm am, resting in my new work place. Sitting comfortably and browsing the internet after a while of not able to do so. My partner the other W41 is not around today, she on MC, perhaps too tired after yesterday journey of getting up and down the stairs, car, hills and lift just to search for this "wonderful office". So here I am..
The size of this room is very much okay for 2 persons..
but the interior definitely need a lot of improvement.
Yeah i know it's an old building but hey, older can actually make you more stylo than ever rite.
Me dun mind, I'm very much okay here. Coz I finally have a room, which mean I can work on private. Saje duduk menghadap pintu, so that I can eye around ; )
Anyway, I thot of updating a few things here,
things that has really changed me since i joined this place :
- Get used to be called Puan..and yes I can sense that people older that you are actually talking with respect to you. Selamat Pagi Puan, Puan dah makan? Puan itu, Puan ini..etc
- Thinking, selecting and ironing my baju kurung on daily basis, this really reminds me of the gud old days during my student life in IIUM. Only now, I have to be more picky selecting the best material and matching tudung, well in the environment where everyone is wearing the same style, only one taste and unique choices can bring the aura in you. Nope I'm not wearing the kasut jururawat, still using my pointed shoes, me dun care...
-Adjusting my self with all the kakak-kakak and abang -abang where they are your staff reporting to you. Very few of them that is within the same age like me. In one side you got to be sterned and maintain your profesionalism, but on the other hand to treat them with respect and humble attitude. The good things is, surrounded by this motherly and fatherly environment, making me feel safe and always being guarded with good values.
-Eating nasi for lunch ( yup the choices of lauk is very much confusing the state of mind and the price is very cheap comparing to the previous place), rice is the main source of carb for us malaysian, i.e for the past few weeks, I'm one of the million malaysian that has been consuming carb as my main foods and yes..I do feel a bit heavier now days..ahaks!!
-Leaving my house as early as 7'oclock in the morning to beat the traffics and punch early to the office ( nope we dun used that zaman batu punya punch card like previously where the marks are in red or blue colours but we used the swipe card instead, so who dare to say that the G is old fashioned huh? My earliest exit from house previously was 7.20 ~ 7.30 and i dun really mind being marked with those red colors. but I've changed now..I hope is for the good huh??
-All of a sudden, cintahati rajin pulak menghantar dan menjemput ke ofis, of coz that is a gud sign for me, bila tiba rasa malas, merengek, maka pujukla cintahati htr to ofis :) He just called to pick me up at 5 pm sharp. At least we have sum quality time to chat and updates or up and down for the day.
-Get used to all this G short forms such KEMPEN for Kementerian Penerangan, SAD for Sistem Akaun Sendiri and many more that make me look really blur and blanks when this loyal people around here was talking. Gosh, I got to really learnt fast to move together with them huh..
- Yup 1 last final thing, I guess my FRIDAY break will be the most damaging time of the weeks, with all the small stalls selling ladies attraction product..from tudung, kain pasang, telekung, cakes, asam/jeruk and small jewelleries like bracelet and brooch. Each time i told myself not to buy a'thing, and each time i faill..i dun like that.. : (
Will be updating more later..
P/s : Lebih byk berdiam diri dan mendengar, cuma ketawa, senyum dan bersuara sekali sekala serta lebih byk mengangguk atau menggeleng simbol setuju atau tidak..itu aku sejak beberapa minggu yg lalu..Puan yg satu ini nmpk lembut dan baik org nyer..masih muda dan manis..ermm untuk yg berkata begitu...kita tunggu kay smp bila Puan ini akan begini erk..hehe..
So here I'm am, resting in my new work place. Sitting comfortably and browsing the internet after a while of not able to do so. My partner the other W41 is not around today, she on MC, perhaps too tired after yesterday journey of getting up and down the stairs, car, hills and lift just to search for this "wonderful office". So here I am..
The size of this room is very much okay for 2 persons..
but the interior definitely need a lot of improvement.
Yeah i know it's an old building but hey, older can actually make you more stylo than ever rite.
Me dun mind, I'm very much okay here. Coz I finally have a room, which mean I can work on private. Saje duduk menghadap pintu, so that I can eye around ; )
Anyway, I thot of updating a few things here,
things that has really changed me since i joined this place :
- Get used to be called Puan..and yes I can sense that people older that you are actually talking with respect to you. Selamat Pagi Puan, Puan dah makan? Puan itu, Puan ini..etc
- Thinking, selecting and ironing my baju kurung on daily basis, this really reminds me of the gud old days during my student life in IIUM. Only now, I have to be more picky selecting the best material and matching tudung, well in the environment where everyone is wearing the same style, only one taste and unique choices can bring the aura in you. Nope I'm not wearing the kasut jururawat, still using my pointed shoes, me dun care...
-Adjusting my self with all the kakak-kakak and abang -abang where they are your staff reporting to you. Very few of them that is within the same age like me. In one side you got to be sterned and maintain your profesionalism, but on the other hand to treat them with respect and humble attitude. The good things is, surrounded by this motherly and fatherly environment, making me feel safe and always being guarded with good values.
-Eating nasi for lunch ( yup the choices of lauk is very much confusing the state of mind and the price is very cheap comparing to the previous place), rice is the main source of carb for us malaysian, i.e for the past few weeks, I'm one of the million malaysian that has been consuming carb as my main foods and yes..I do feel a bit heavier now days..ahaks!!
-Leaving my house as early as 7'oclock in the morning to beat the traffics and punch early to the office ( nope we dun used that zaman batu punya punch card like previously where the marks are in red or blue colours but we used the swipe card instead, so who dare to say that the G is old fashioned huh? My earliest exit from house previously was 7.20 ~ 7.30 and i dun really mind being marked with those red colors. but I've changed now..I hope is for the good huh??
-All of a sudden, cintahati rajin pulak menghantar dan menjemput ke ofis, of coz that is a gud sign for me, bila tiba rasa malas, merengek, maka pujukla cintahati htr to ofis :) He just called to pick me up at 5 pm sharp. At least we have sum quality time to chat and updates or up and down for the day.
-Get used to all this G short forms such KEMPEN for Kementerian Penerangan, SAD for Sistem Akaun Sendiri and many more that make me look really blur and blanks when this loyal people around here was talking. Gosh, I got to really learnt fast to move together with them huh..
- Yup 1 last final thing, I guess my FRIDAY break will be the most damaging time of the weeks, with all the small stalls selling ladies attraction product..from tudung, kain pasang, telekung, cakes, asam/jeruk and small jewelleries like bracelet and brooch. Each time i told myself not to buy a'thing, and each time i faill..i dun like that.. : (
Will be updating more later..
P/s : Lebih byk berdiam diri dan mendengar, cuma ketawa, senyum dan bersuara sekali sekala serta lebih byk mengangguk atau menggeleng simbol setuju atau tidak..itu aku sejak beberapa minggu yg lalu..Puan yg satu ini nmpk lembut dan baik org nyer..masih muda dan manis..ermm untuk yg berkata begitu...kita tunggu kay smp bila Puan ini akan begini erk..hehe..
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Gudbye is not forever
Peace be upon you all..
I wish to tell that my time has come to bid farewell to everyone in XXXX.
Yup, today is my last day here. I was hoping to meet each one of you and thank you personally but in case I cannot make it, please treat this mail as one.
I'm taking this opportunity to thank all of you for being such a great friends, colleagues & bosses.
In life almost all the time we have to make choices, choices that sometimes we are so unsure of the outcome. I still have a long way to go but life is merely a short journey hence we always hope that we make the right choice along the way.
Leaving XXXX is one of the most difficult choices that I've to made, yet the decision has been made exactly 2 weeks ago and I pray that this is the best choice that I made for the time being.
I know, I'm leaving a great place behind, but I'll bring over the experience & knowledge with me.
To all my bosses or superior that I used to report to,
Thank you so much for all the advice, the guidance and patience that you showed to me. Especially to Mr Philip, Dr Badrul, Mr Teo, Ms Chua and Herbert, you guys are good in what you are doing, do keep it up.
To my entire colleague, I wish you all continued success in whatever you are doing or wish to do. Our lives has taken us on different roads, let’s just hope our roads will cross one day and we will once again say hi in each other way with happy faces.
To all my closest friends and partner in crime : ), I’ll sure will miss you all a lot, but lets not say goodbye to each other just yet, coz in many years and time to come, I’m sure you guys will be part of me, god willing. As live move on, I’m sure we will make new friends; even so I will always enjoy your company.
I’m taking this chance also to say sorry for any mistakes, misunderstanding and wrong doings that I’ve made be it accidentally or not. I hope we can forgive each other, and lets take it from here to start a new one.
For those who are still interested to stay in touch with me : ), you are most welcome to do so.
Do contact me at 012 xxxx xxx / xxx@yahoo.com ( email / YM)
Love and Regards.
Pray the best for me !
Peace be upon you all..
I wish to tell that my time has come to bid farewell to everyone in XXXX.
Yup, today is my last day here. I was hoping to meet each one of you and thank you personally but in case I cannot make it, please treat this mail as one.
I'm taking this opportunity to thank all of you for being such a great friends, colleagues & bosses.
In life almost all the time we have to make choices, choices that sometimes we are so unsure of the outcome. I still have a long way to go but life is merely a short journey hence we always hope that we make the right choice along the way.
Leaving XXXX is one of the most difficult choices that I've to made, yet the decision has been made exactly 2 weeks ago and I pray that this is the best choice that I made for the time being.
I know, I'm leaving a great place behind, but I'll bring over the experience & knowledge with me.
To all my bosses or superior that I used to report to,
Thank you so much for all the advice, the guidance and patience that you showed to me. Especially to Mr Philip, Dr Badrul, Mr Teo, Ms Chua and Herbert, you guys are good in what you are doing, do keep it up.
To my entire colleague, I wish you all continued success in whatever you are doing or wish to do. Our lives has taken us on different roads, let’s just hope our roads will cross one day and we will once again say hi in each other way with happy faces.
To all my closest friends and partner in crime : ), I’ll sure will miss you all a lot, but lets not say goodbye to each other just yet, coz in many years and time to come, I’m sure you guys will be part of me, god willing. As live move on, I’m sure we will make new friends; even so I will always enjoy your company.
I’m taking this chance also to say sorry for any mistakes, misunderstanding and wrong doings that I’ve made be it accidentally or not. I hope we can forgive each other, and lets take it from here to start a new one.
For those who are still interested to stay in touch with me : ), you are most welcome to do so.
Do contact me at 012 xxxx xxx / xxx@yahoo.com ( email / YM)
Love and Regards.
Pray the best for me !
Friday, January 04, 2008

With them,
u can never expect what will happen..expect the unexpected...
each with different character of their own, they have touch my heart, my life and my daily routine with many
colors and personality.
this year, it's a bit hard to accept that it will be the last year to celebrate my getting old day with them..
the surprises make's me really touch..
babes, i wanna thank you to be part of my life..u guls are among the most significant dearly people that i met in edar, this entry is dedicated to you babes..
Mya - My first so called mentor in Edar, thanks for inviting me in the circle. I hope we will be frens forever and ever..promise that we will always call each other no matter wat, may we become a succesful entrepeneur..Go Lace and Beads..yeah another one, do consider to be my neighbour okie. its a good buy there really ..hehe..
Ema - I like you the first time i saw u, coz at that time u r very shy and timid, but after getting to know u..Masyallah..kepoh jugak minah ni,,ahaks.
Thanks for trusting in me, i sumtimes dun trust myself : ) I promise here, that i'll attend your wedding day no matter where : ) and i hope u pick the right guy to be ur man, insya-allah.
Sarra - The one person that i never thot i can be closed wif, ( coz u talk less among us at that time nak match ngan I yg mmg ckp tahap mutan level 4, mya level 5 hehe) but time prove me wrong, now we always pick and choose the same thing almost all the time. Warrgh..De Javu..I'm sorry coz I have to be the one to say gudbye to Strategic Planning 1st. In the time soon , I pray that you will get want you really want k. You too I hope will pick the right guy to be ur man, insya-allah.
Kak Hana - Perasan matured but no so lah..hehe, always a shoulder to cry on, thks for all the support and advise that you're willing to share with me. i always think of you as the big sister amongst us, so u better act like one tau..
I'll miss ur nescafe panas yg selalu i sip bila u lalu..hehe.
I definitely know that i can neva get a bunch of wacko, crack, hyper, fun and etc type of fren like you guys..
Me lurve you all from the very bottom of my heart...and THANK YOU SO MUCH for e'thing we share..
plus thanks for the donut ala Cakes and the Cute and Adorable Green Kettle..jemputlah ke rumah..i'll make hot drinks for you all ; ))
Me lurve you all from the very bottom of my heart...and THANK YOU SO MUCH for e'thing we share..
plus thanks for the donut ala Cakes and the Cute and Adorable Green Kettle..jemputlah ke rumah..i'll make hot drinks for you all ; ))
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Jenga to countdown
Closing down the curtain of 2007 by playing dis simple yet
interesting physical balance of game wif one hand.
Just a few minutes to 2008, n i'm happily resting at our new home
(d ultimate obsession of 2007 for both of us)
The whole year have been a fruitfull year and overall I'm satisfied wif what God bless &
shower upon us.
We welcome 2008 with great anticipation of even more happiness and peacefulness.
To all my dearest, Happy New Year.
It's a new beginning, so set your gear ready to dis wonderful journey we call LIFE.
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