Friday, December 16, 2011

Wish List

Date: Friday @ Office during lunch hour,
Location: In front of my PC with a glass of plain water and some cookies to nibble
(Pagi td dah makan laksa semangkuk)
Subject matter: Wow saya sgt gerun melihat rakan seangkatan saya punya bicara.

Lately, I’ve been in constant contact with my unimates. Yelah since dah pakai smartphone ni senang pulak nak berwhatsapp je kerjanya. Ok so when you are in constant contact with them ( like every once in few hours) byklah cerita yang dulunya tak cerita ( sbb dulu bercakap 2 -3 kali setahun) tercerita di screen masing-masing.

Takde apa pun cuma pelik masing-masing cerita hal kehidupan masing-masing tapi dalam berkongsi tu mesti ada part material. Honestly saya tak selesa lah. I’ve never known them for that. So now when we are all grown up masing-masing dah jadi isteri org, ibu org and masing-masing dah berkerja atau berkerjaya, ayat-ayat material keep comings. Seriously saya tak selesa. I’m trying to adjust to this new way of small talk but I ‘m not happy with it. Sikit-sikit tu boleh la but I appreciate if people don’t ask so much or state so much about my material life nor talk so much about their material life, Coz when they do that, they will start comparing them and you and others in the circle which I feel there is no need to do that.

I know money is important but please money is not the measurement of success in my eyes. Kalau ia pun kamu atau kamu dan kamu berjaya dalam kerjaya masing-masing, ia saya tumpang gembira untuk kejayaan kamu itu. Tapi kalau pun kamu hanya berjaya tak melangit mana, kamu tetap kawan saya dan ia tidak memberi impak atau kesan dalam persahabatan kita. Kamu berjaya mengikut ukuran kamu sendiri, begitu juga saya.

Material things like car, house, take home income, handbags, shoes, watch and etc is all in the surface, I pity you if you feel this is the only measurement in life, although we work hard to achieve certain way of standard, material is still only in the surface. They are more to our life that just that.

(WISH LIST A ) Anak seorang Alhafiz, Suami sentiasa tersenyum melihat isteri, Masakan dan air tangan isteri yang tak terbanding lazatnya, Solat jemaah dalam keluarga, rumah tangga yg rukun dan damai, tidur yang lena dan tenang, tubuh badan yang sihat, bersedekah walau dalam tangan duit tak pernah cukup, and the list goes on and on.

(WISH LIST B) Prada Handbag, Jimmy Choo Shoes, 100 K gold Bracelet, Europe Tour, Aston Martin car and as usual the list will continue selagi kita masih bernyawa.

So A or B? Terpulang la masing-masing. Hidup kita, kita tentukan jalan yang diambil. Tapi kalau tanya saya, dua dua pun mahu..hehe ;)

Ada masa-masa dalam hidup kita tersesal melakukan byk perkara, tp yang terkesal jangan terus diratapi. Kita hidup bukan untuk kisah semalam, tapi untuk hari ini dan perjalanan esok yang mungkin lebih mencabar.

So dear friends I hope now you understand why there are certain question or statement I leave it blank without any answer or remark. I do not want to be your competitor in life, If you are happy with yours, I am also happy with mine. There are times when I might seek for your help and advise, I hope when the times come you will lend me your helping hands ;)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dream Home

SERENE KIARA RESIDENCE - Kamu membuat mimpi itu indah

Dan bermimpi lah aku, kerana bermimpi tidak memerlukan masa dan tidak terbuang wang ringgit. Dan bermimpi lagi aku kerana mimpi itu satu keperluan. Dan bermimpi lagi aku kerana mimpi mencipta peluang.

Dear readers, I don't do this often ( I mean dreaming beyond what my money can buy for the next 100 years) but looking at this place I can't stop dreaming to own a place like this. I fell in love with the design, Classic Elegant with a minimal modern touch. I mean just look at it, so majestic, yet so humble in style. So simple yet so beautiful.

By far, this is the best design for Bungalow in Kuala Lumpur. Ohh yang sebelum-sebelum ini kamu saya tidak pandang dah :) sebab berangan kan ...hehe.

P/s : Beruntung sungguh bagi mereka yang punya duit, org macam saya cuma boleh tumpang tgk gmbr2 kat gallery je. Tapi takpe, rezeki Allah yang tentukan. Saya bersyukur dengan dunia kecil saya di Armanee ye :) cuma kamu ye kamu yg gmbrnya di atas...buat saya terus berMIMPI.........

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Puasa Tak Habis Ganti Lagi, Dah...

Entry cum reminder to myself..ahaks.!!

Puasa tak habis ganti lagi, dah sibuk plan nak raya....

Of coz, this year Insya-allah I'll be celebrating my raya with the little one, itu sbb utama kenapa nak excited sgt :)

Ye, mmg betul puasa x sempat ganti lagi, I only managed to ganti 11 days out of 30 days, still a long way to go, but I'm glad with this new role I'm playin alhamdulillah dpt jugak la ganti sikit2. Gastrik sumtimes ada sumtimes hilang, but cabaran nya lebih coz menyusukan Shahzor, haus and letih Ya Amat tiap kali berpuasa. Insya Allah nak cuba berpuasa penuh Ramadhan akan dtg ni. Ya-Allah, mudahkan lah niat hamba mu ini. Oh Gastrik please jgn even tunjuk bayang di Ramadhan ini. Amin.

About raya...yes I know its my 1st time celebrating it as an Ibu to my Little Awesome. Kalau ikut kan hati segala benda nak beli for him, tp igtkan diri sendiri, beli apa yg patut. Bukan apa, raya tahun lepas sgt "down" dgn takde moodnya nak beraya sbb tak puasa, terawih pun ala kadar, solat raya pun tak..semua pun tak la..I'm at the lowest point of health at that time. So this time around my health is all pink and over excited la pulak.......

Apapun, entry ini adalah reminder to myself...NEN jgn OVER...wasadtiah dlm segala Hal...

P/s : This year its gonna be sumthing PEACHY with FRILLS, no beads la..anak I tak selesa nnt. Utk Shahzor pun dah ready. Muahuahaaa!

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Me Recently

My life has been upside down, between changing diapers, keeping the house in one piece, constant crying and needy baby, smelly fury cat with his fur all over the wind blow, wifey role, trying to look like a yummy mummy ( dis skin problem is not helping at all and not to mention the extra pounds of unneeded flash).Oh yeah recently I've been doin quite sum justice to the oven by baking some desserts and cakes. I'm proud of it really..hehe.

More to the list is business at home yeah, name it! I've activated my entrepeneur MODE.

I'm struggling to do everything at one go. Gosh I'm really tired, really really tired...but with this new role I'm playin...I've decided to play it HARD...No REGRETS and NO TURNING BACK! C'mon life, Bring it ON.

P/S : Selamat Hari IBU to myself...I hope I deserve it :) Shahzor Zia Ibu Love You!

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Smelly Story

That smell is just so addictive - smile. I can live the whole day by just smelling it. Luckily this smell does not involved a pile of money - smile again.

Have you ever been addicted with a certain smell? I know I do! During my studying time I can never get enaf of the Vicks vapour rub smell. I must rub a small amount of it to my nose before I sleep. Thank God that habit has stop or else can you imagine what wud Cinta Hati think of me each time he kiss me? Hahaha!

Then I have this heart shape smelly pillow which I still have it till now, I seriously do not remember when was the 1st time I develop the strong urge towards dat pillow but funny thing is I still have it next to my face every night to sleep with. It's not like I can't go to sleep without it, but having it near to me is just so good, so comfy, so I still hang onto it. Never know when dis addiction will stop though. Well, Cinta Hati doesn't seems to be be bothered with it, in fact when I was hospitalised during my early pregnancy stage, he was so kind to me that when he went home to packs my thing, that smelly pillow is among the things that he brought to the ward. I know, its romantic sweet! I lurve you dear :)

Now with the little one around, I thot I can never get enaf of his smell but instead I develop this addiction towards smelling, hurmmm more of inhaling actually his little mitten! Yeah, those little mitten dat is design to protect his tiny and delicate little fingers. (Speaking of which, I accidentally cut his thumb with a nail clipper last few days. Wat a careless new mum at work! But thats a diff. story , only putting it here so dat I wud never forget how I hurt him and how careless I am. Bad. Bad. Bad Ibu! I'm sorry son...I truly am) The same mitten dat he use's to wipe off the spilled milk around his tiny mouth, the sweet smelling watery saliva and sumtimes he just suck it whenever he feels like doing so. Well combining it all, the smell is just HEAVEN!

Come 16 May 2011, I will start working...and its all plan in my head (The fact that I plan too much is lately bothering me, sigh! I wonder when was the last time I do sumthing without planning? Nadda! Okay another diff. story line), that I'll just keep one of his unwashed mitten a day before I go to work in my bag and whenever no one is watching, ( dat will definitely be in my own office room...oh yeah lucky me!) I'll just take it out and start inhaling..ahhhaks! At least dat is the least I can do whenever I miss him...huwaa, I hate being away from him even more when it's gonna involved a solid 10-12 hours of my time. Wish I cud be home-stayed mum.(Also a different story line). I wish real hard for this to happen, in the mean time I guess the mitten smell will solve the problem?? Really?

Friday, March 04, 2011

Anak Ibu

Shahzor Zia, kisah yang tertulis atas nama takdir, atas usaha doa dan tawakkal, atas istiqamah yang bersambungan terus...

5.04 am 25 Jan 2011, Shahzor Zia bin Shahrir bernafas buat pertama kali pertama di muka bumi ini. Kelahirannya disambut dengan kalimah-kalimah suci Allah yang Maha Besar, air mata seorang ibu gugur berterusan bukan kerana sakit yang baru lepas dilalui tapi kerana terlalu bersyukur dengan zuriat dalam dakapan itu. Shahzor Zia anak ibu yang sulung, yang menjadi permintaan dalam setiap bicara ibu bersama yang Esa, yang menjadi harapan dalam hati ibu yang tak pernah terdengar oleh sesiapa, yang menjadi mimpi-mimpi indah dalam lena ibu yang panjang. Shahzor Zia menjadi bukti, kasih Allah itu berkekalan, kasih Allah kasih yang terbaik, Shahzor Zia anak ibu..kau zuriat ku dunia dan akhirat.