Monday, August 18, 2008

Ayat-ayat Cinta

Hari ini rasa terpanggil menjadi pengulas filem...ooopsss bukan pengkritik ya!

Weekend lepas, berpeluang menonton filem ayat-ayat cinta, sebuah filem yang cukup popular di Indonesia. Karya asal saudara Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Sebuah kisah kehidupan seorang pelajar di bumi Mesir yang tidak sepi dengan perasaan cinta dan dicintai...

Bagi seorang seperti aku yang percaya akan kewujudan cinta, aku kira filem ini cukup menyentuh hati, apa lagi menyentuh jiwa seorang isteri yang sanggup melakukan apa sahaja walau kadang perkara itu cukup melukakan hati...

Kisah Fahri, yang aku kira cukup bertuah kerana dicintai oleh 4 wanita...Nurul, Maria, Noura & Aisyah...tapi bukan semua cinta berakhir dengan ikatan perkahwinan...demi cinta manusia jua sanggup melakukan perkara terkeji..sehingga Fahri difitnah dan dipandang hina. Isterinya Aisyah lambang seorang wanita mulia yang sanggup melakukan pengorbanan demi keselamatan dan kebahagian suami, jua memberi ruang buat seorang gadis Kristian bernama Maria mendapat hak/ keadilannya sendiri. Air mata mengalir sama takhala melihat Aisyah menangis apabila Fahri menikahi Maria.

Kisah itu tidak berakhir di saat Fahri menikahi Maria, kisah perkongsian suami juga banyak membuat penonton bermain dengan emosi...

Tak cukup pantas aku membuat kesimpulan ttg cerita ini, tak perlu aku memberi rating berapa bintang untuk filem ini..Namun bagi aku filem ini cukup terkesan, lakonan yang bagus, soundtrack popular, props and setting yang hebat, tauladan yang banyak mengingatkan kita ttg kelalaian kita dlm hubungan lelaki & wanita, ttg manusia yang tidak pernah lepas dari melakukan kesilapan, susahnya berlaku adil dan fitnah yang cukup menyakinkan ( tapi tidak cukup menyakinkan seorang isteri...) ermmm tetiba teringat seorang tokoh politik...maaf tersasar...tapi bagi teman-teman yang belum menonton filem ini, suka aku cadangkan untuk mengisi masa lapang kalian dengan filem ini...mungkin juga review ini agak terlewat ya!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My Magical Vacation : Part II

Early morning the next day, we set ourselves ready back to Hong Kong, with only Disneyland in mind we are just like little kids again, eager and excited, I remember I kept looking outside our coach window and searching for the Disneyland landmark or whatsoever. The moment we reach the entrance, we both we so anxious to get down..hehe..

Disneyland HK is considered the smallest Disneyland in the world but still it is DISNEYLAND…the land of fantasy and adventure…the land where all your favorites cartoon character comes to live, the place they reside and play…Like a small community of their own I am totally madly in love with the place.

Its beautiful…No its cute...well its just like a dream...its clean, its fun, its full of colors and full of fun..and yes full of people too…It’s just magical!! Everyone is allowed to become kids again…and yes I did…CH’k did also…huhu. This is both our 2nd trip to Disneyland, where previously I was in Tokyo Disneyland when I was small...but somehow the feeling is just the same...The famous “It’s a small land” is totally in the same tune! CH’k had been to US Disneyland and him also having the same feeling towards this place....

We were so lucky that the weather is a bless the whole day long, at nite we even catch a firework played by the background of the great Sleeping Beauty Castle and creatively spark into the dark sky in the melody of all Disney movie…Everyone goes like wawww…ohhh…hhhaaaaa….claps….beautiful!

In Disneyland we spend our nite in the Hollywood Hotel…I feel like a super star…Everything in the bedroom is being bejeweled with the Mickey Mouse character…I like!! We spend hours taking pictures in the hotel area, the pool is great, the restaurant, the gift shops etc etc…
How I wish there is no tomorrow, how I wish this vacation will never end…but life is a reality…I’ll keep safe this memory of happiness till for ever…Thank You Cinta Hatiku for always making me feel special in the world of only you and me : )

Next year kita gi mana plak ? For me as long as you are there, it’s always good enough for me : )

Friday, August 08, 2008

Remembering 8.8.08

Tis lucky day, we decided to enjoy dinner n dessert from paddington house of pancakes! Yummy! 8 the symbol of luck? So may health, happiness, wealth n success be with us always..

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

My Magical Vacation : Part I

I’m having the fun of my life during our recent annual vacation. This time the destination is Hong Kong & Shenzhen in the Republic of China…

It was nite when we reach HK, the whether is a bit warm as there are facing their summer season during our arrival, we have already expected this whether so we are very much prepared with lot’s of easy clothing and 100% cotton based material being packed…for the skin to breath : )

We spent a nite in a very small room hotel ( probably 3 star hotel) in the Town call Yuo Mei Tei (The Bridal Tea Town). Is very much like our very own Petaling Street area with lots of small stall operator and old building located in the side ways…The hotel is very small but to my surprise it is very complete and super clean.

The next day we were bring for a tour around HK, to my shock HK is a very busy city with public transportation located in every corner you can see. Tall building i.e skyscrapers and city park are everywhere. People were busy walking like small ants. We went to the jewelry factory where I got myself a pair of earring, the tea house, the Aberdeen fishing village, Shopping Street where we had a Muslim food operated by a Muslim Singaporean, Ocean Park the famous theme park in HK and etc...

Tired! Nope, we continued the journey by express train around 45 minutes to the border of Shenzhen we were spend 2 beautiful nite’s in the Felicity Hotel, a five star hotel with spacious room. I saw Tun Dr Mahathir as one of the prominent visitors that they highly look up to :)
In Shenzhen we start our journey by visiting the nearest shopping malls where lot of Yuan and Yuan and Yuan is being spend in the noble objective to promote the Shenzhen people economic growth…haha..

The next day, we went to the Jade Factory where CH’k bought me a 6 colors jade bracelet..Tq dear…hehe, then we went to the silk factory, well I’m not so much into China Silk design over there.. my preference is more into small floral and sweet pastel colors which they dun really have much choice there :( , next we when to the Alternative Medicine Expert…erm boleh caya ke? But at last we still spend into some Chinese Herbal Medicine..after this CH’k will be much mighty and healthy..hehe!

Our next destination is the Splendid China Park, where here they display all kind of historical, interesting, unique and wonderful places located in all over China. Everything is design and built into detail pieces. I salute you Chinese for making and replicating it again!! I was really tired as so much walking is being done. In the evening while enjoying the cultural show (dance and war) we also took chance to take a break from walking :) Ending the day at Splendid China with a decent dinner recommended by our tour guide, well the dinner is very delicious (mutton meat and veggie pie…yummy!!). In fact, we pack some for our late suppers…huhu.