Thursday, September 18, 2008

Yes, You Should Have Been a Musician

The 1st time I saw you, I definitely saw you as an artistic kind of person…

With the faded jeans, military colors round neck shirt with those long sleeves, smooth slightly above your shoulder length hair, and your jumpy shoes...yup. I definitely saw something in you…

Your deep set eyes with your firm long fingers, kind of tell me that you can play music…I was right when you confirm you can play the guitars , harmonica and pianos as well…Boy I fall for you in an instance…and fall even deep when you sketch / draw while talking… those are the thing that attract me into getting to know you even better…those art in you makes the first move, the first impression and the first attraction…the rest in you come as a total package that I find hard to live without …and so here we are today : )

I first learnt about jazz from you…it’s the least category of music that I would listen to, but you change me…I’m enjoying it now but only because you choose the right one…Those art in you brings the music in you…I love the way you tap your fingers, humming the sweet melody, played the guitar with songs you made for me, played the music each time you want to relax, those sound effect you played while talking and etc and etc….

With that dear, I totally agree that you should have been a musician instead of a banker…but still you make a remarkable banker instead a known musician :) A'way..would I marry a banker or a musician...erm dats a tough one! Thank God, I dun have to choose...

P/S: My voice is the most wonderful tune to your ears? Sure or not…ahaks.

This writing is a response to Cinta Hati blog ( Iyer CH pun dah ader blog tau, he dun want to miss the boat of being the bloggers..huhu) :

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Izinkan aku bicara soal ikhlas...renungan untuk diri sendiri dan yg sudi membaca...satu topik yang aku kira sesuai dengan bulan ramadhan yang mulia ini....
Ikhlas, salah satu sifat baik yang diajar dlm agama Islam kita..kecil dulu mama sering mengingatkan.."berbuat sesuatu biarlah ikhlas.." "Apa erti ikhlas ma"...sambung mama..dengan pendekatan mudah " Ertinya berbuat sesuatu tanpa mengharapkan balasan"...kecil dulu pendekatan itu cukup mudah difahami, tapi kini kita menginjak dewasa, pendekatan mudah seharusnya dikupas dan diteliti mendalam lagi...bukan setakat tanpa mengharapkan balasan, ikhlas sebenarnya lebih dr itu....kita manusia, jgn putus mencari...jgn lekas menghukum..

ERTI IKHLAS DALAM ISLAM - taken from one of the Islamic site
Ikhlas ialah : " melaksanakan taat semata-mata kerana Allah sendiriNya, bukan di maksudkan memperolehi kebesaran dari manusia, ataupun penghormatan. Dan bukan pula untuk memperolehi sesuatu keuntungan dunia atau menolak sesuatu bencana keduniaan."

Tingkat-tingkat Ikhlas:
1. Melaksanakan ibadah kerana takut akan azab.
2. Melaksanakan ibadah kerana membesarkan Allah.Kerana merasai kehebatan Nya, kerana menuruti dan akur akan seruan Nya dan tiada pula terlintas di hati sesuatu maksud lain.

Lawan pada ikhlas ialah RIAK.

Ikhlas, bunyinya begitu mudah...namun melaksanakannya cukup berat sekali..
~ Aku ikhlas nak tolong kau...
~ I ikhlas buat semua ni...

Ikhlas itu, atau ikhlas ini....
susahnya mentafsir ikhlas yang sebenarnya...tapi yang lebih benar lagi, ikhlas itu bukan hak kita untuk tentukan..ianya hak Allah, kerana hanya dia yang lebih mengetahui...

Untuk diri ku, peringatan ini untuk menjadikan diri lebih peka sebelum membuat tuntutan ikhlas yg dilaksanakan...

Untuk yang lain, tepuk dada dan soallah hati...sejauh mana keikhlasan kita....

Salam Berpuasa semua : )