Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Seharian Bersama Dia

I realized I’ve not been blogging about Cinta Hati for quite sometimes..hehe.
Mostly my writing is about my little one or my life in between. Well CH has always been there only that he’s existence has become so unified with me that blogging about him
is no longer a priority...heheh..lallalla!

Anyway, we’ve been so busy with our life especially with work matters that we
purposely take a time off from the office and our little one ( sekali sekala Ibu & Ayah
kena date berdua ye Sayang ) just to enjoy each other company :)

Some are pictures that we took to capture those meaningful moments. 
This coming May …14 years Insyallah and still going strong.

{Ya Allah, pelihara insan ini yang cukup bermakna dalam hidup aku. Kurniakan dia dengan kebahagiaan dunia, kerahmatan dan keampunan akhirat. Tingkatkan Iman & Takwa dalam dirinya. Agar dia menjadi seorang anak, suami dan ayah yg soleh di dunia dan akhirat jua. Amin}                                                         

My Macho  Huggable Man. Wii!


Us :)

My lovely romantic mengada look...hehe

Our lunch yg terlebih lazat.

   Terbaik la!

 We enjoy best when it come's to interior house thingy! Dari dulu sampai la la ni :)

His favourite stop. Not mine!

 Bowling instead of Movie ...ahaks!
Pemenangnya ! Haruslah dia.


Both a coffee addict lover.