Tuesday, January 16, 2007

4 th Jan - A Year Older A Year Wiser

Untuk semua yg dilalui semalam, kalau dpt disimpulkan dengan satu perkataan..i think i will choose Blessed...
yesterday at exactly 5.58 pm i reach my 27 years of life..at this age...and at this date..i paused and reminisce back of what have i achievd so far and of coz yet to achieved..not all i dream for realised but mostly all important thing that a woman wants is here with me..married life..career...social life..e'thing is in the rite track.
Alhamdullilah..this year i have him around to celebrate, not to mention my loving family, my mama n papa dr last week lagi dah belikan colourful bracelet , pagi 2 lagi my aunty and cousin dah excited menyanyi birthday song for me through phone and reminding me to pick up the gift they bought for me, the nite before my sis keep calling me to say that she already bought a birthday gift for me...touching jugak sbb kitaorg baru je baik dr satu kejadian salah faham.. erhggg..partly my mistakes too..hehe..yeah truly I'm blessed with great family
my colleague @ office...they bought this chessy creamy Chocolaty cakes from Secret Recipe for me...thank you for remembering - i'm blessed with good frens...whom I know i can depends to at any situations ...you guys and gals are like brother and sister dah..
other frens yg keep calling and smsing plus YMing..well although we are separated by distances..i appreciate their thought..ermm feel blessed again...

My sweet husband took half day off to prepare a surprise for me....
well he was neva earlier than me to reach home during weekday.
yesterday...the cards , the flowers , the cakes and even the ballons almost make me cry..how truly he care for me...whenever i look at him..i'm just so full of love and care to shower upon him...he sang in a very sweet melody the birthday song..then we dine at fancy restaurant ( candle lite tau ) so romantic...thank u dear for constanly reminding me that you will love me and shower me with kindness forever..those moments and word we share will always be part of me......Insya-allah

A frens of mine touch my heart by saying that i'm always his icon of strong faith to God...it makes me think again..cukup ke amal ibadat yg telah dilakukan..umur semakin meningkat..sepatutnya amalan pun makin bertambah..i shud be close to God than ever..after all the kesenangan yg diberikan nya..i shud be thankful to HIM. Mungkin jugak kawan ku yg meyapa ku semalam seperti menyampaikan amanat Tuhan pada hamba nya yg terkadang 2 lalai...

yg pasti, semalam cukup indah dan bermakna...
dan yg cukup pasti, aku menginginkan keidahan semalam akan berterusan selagi hayatku ada...
dan yg plg lagi pasti, untuk semua terus berjalan dlm alam yg indah...I have to play a vital role......

p/s : Not e'day we think deeply about ourself...tentang diri kita..tentang hubungannya dengan pencipta, dgn insan lain dan dgn alam..
perhaps..we can take our birthday to start on in...at least once a year : )

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