Friday, January 25, 2008

W Forty One Updates

Its been quite sumtimes after my last entry.
So here I'm am, resting in my new work place. Sitting comfortably and browsing the internet after a while of not able to do so. My partner the other W41 is not around today, she on MC, perhaps too tired after yesterday journey of getting up and down the stairs, car, hills and lift just to search for this "wonderful office". So here I am..

The size of this room is very much okay for 2 persons..
but the interior definitely need a lot of improvement.
Yeah i know it's an old building but hey, older can actually make you more stylo than ever rite.
Me dun mind, I'm very much okay here. Coz I finally have a room, which mean I can work on private. Saje duduk menghadap pintu, so that I can eye around ; )

Anyway, I thot of updating a few things here,
things that has really changed me since i joined this place :

- Get used to be called Puan..and yes I can sense that people older that you are actually talking with respect to you. Selamat Pagi Puan, Puan dah makan? Puan itu, Puan ini..etc

- Thinking, selecting and ironing my baju kurung on daily basis, this really reminds me of the gud old days during my student life in IIUM. Only now, I have to be more picky selecting the best material and matching tudung, well in the environment where everyone is wearing the same style, only one taste and unique choices can bring the aura in you. Nope I'm not wearing the kasut jururawat, still using my pointed shoes, me dun care...

-Adjusting my self with all the kakak-kakak and abang -abang where they are your staff reporting to you. Very few of them that is within the same age like me. In one side you got to be sterned and maintain your profesionalism, but on the other hand to treat them with respect and humble attitude. The good things is, surrounded by this motherly and fatherly environment, making me feel safe and always being guarded with good values.

-Eating nasi for lunch ( yup the choices of lauk is very much confusing the state of mind and the price is very cheap comparing to the previous place), rice is the main source of carb for us malaysian, i.e for the past few weeks, I'm one of the million malaysian that has been consuming carb as my main foods and yes..I do feel a bit heavier now days..ahaks!!

-Leaving my house as early as 7'oclock in the morning to beat the traffics and punch early to the office ( nope we dun used that zaman batu punya punch card like previously where the marks are in red or blue colours but we used the swipe card instead, so who dare to say that the G is old fashioned huh? My earliest exit from house previously was 7.20 ~ 7.30 and i dun really mind being marked with those red colors. but I've changed now..I hope is for the good huh??

-All of a sudden, cintahati rajin pulak menghantar dan menjemput ke ofis, of coz that is a gud sign for me, bila tiba rasa malas, merengek, maka pujukla cintahati htr to ofis :) He just called to pick me up at 5 pm sharp. At least we have sum quality time to chat and updates or up and down for the day.

-Get used to all this G short forms such KEMPEN for Kementerian Penerangan, SAD for Sistem Akaun Sendiri and many more that make me look really blur and blanks when this loyal people around here was talking. Gosh, I got to really learnt fast to move together with them huh..

- Yup 1 last final thing, I guess my FRIDAY break will be the most damaging time of the weeks, with all the small stalls selling ladies attraction product..from tudung, kain pasang, telekung, cakes, asam/jeruk and small jewelleries like bracelet and brooch. Each time i told myself not to buy a'thing, and each time i faill..i dun like that.. : (

Will be updating more later..

P/s : Lebih byk berdiam diri dan mendengar, cuma ketawa, senyum dan bersuara sekali sekala serta lebih byk mengangguk atau menggeleng simbol setuju atau tidak..itu aku sejak beberapa minggu yg lalu..Puan yg satu ini nmpk lembut dan baik org nyer..masih muda dan manis..ermm untuk yg berkata begitu...kita tunggu kay smp bila Puan ini akan begini erk..hehe..


Anonymous said...

I misssssss u so much babe, sangat.. Now, M need to layan my 'weng'ness & 'crack'ness la plak kan...:)


Utterly Me said...

ahaks! Me on the other hand, takde sesapa plak nak layan or melayan the weng and crak yg giler gmbr pun takder ok..i'm so alone :(

mysweetlittleangelsz said...

Miss you too..Wow..G tak pakai punch car zaman batu huh! so modern. Good for you.

Ya right! Cik puan yang baik,pendiam, sentiasa senyum...itu kalau tak kenal...tapi kalau dah keluar taring....sendiri mau ingat. Keras dalam lembut (hah! jgn ingat lain)..Seriously..we miss u so much. Take care and NEXT TIME...DO REPLY MY MESSAGE.!