Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Yesterday, Goodbye and Hello

It’s feel just like yesterday I’ve said goodbye to year 2007 where so many happiness and satisfaction has been shared and achieved…now without much delay 2008 has come to and end…well what can I conclude about this year in particular…2008…the year begin with my new beginning in work place..from being a stranger I’ve come to nestle quite comfortably with my surrounding, losing someone dear to fate name death, marking the middle of the year with a small operation to treat my fertility issue, a magical vacation with my beloved husband, keeping me wise with so many course and seminars to be attended, slowing down the year with a goodbye waved to my beloved father in law, aunts and uncle’s on their departure for Hajj and witnessing the blessed moments of my dear sis wedding as the grand finale of 2008…

So here I am again…wondering and thinking how soon time flies…2008 has passed with a journey that I shall never forget…personally to me it has been the year of progression though I think 2008 has been the year that I shed many tears of sadness and happiness or just in between for myself and for others…yup..I’ve progress (mentally + spiritually) and so does everything around me … I’m not saying dat I’m not hoping anything new in my life…but let it be just a small part of me hoping as 2008 has educate me with a gud lesson. “We planned but God decide with a better plan”. I pray that each day I’ll be stronger and wiser facing each obstacle from Him with more patience and submission. Never giving up : ) not yet …not ever …

So I’m welcoming 2009 with an open heart, with a great smile and new spirits!


Anonymous said...

Dear, I have a good feeling with 2009..No matter whatever challenges we'll face in 2009, I'll be by your side, always - CH

::i.e.r.a:: said...

Happy new year to you & Happy birthday to you dear... :)