Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Glad to be Home

Alhamdulilah I’m back in one piece from the most tiring course ever, (not physically but mentally)..

I’ve been entering in and out from class/ lecture hall from day 1 to day 28 since morning to nite, almost e’day… it’s been quite an experience to be there..but I’m glad and I’m proud that I managed to pull through the whole course except for few exceptional cases when I felt sick for almost 4 days..the gud thing is that though people that care most for me is so far from my sight, but new encounter whom you thought will be strangers in the beginning now turn to be a good frens within a very short period of time..may our frenship remains.

So many things to be told, but i just do not where to begin..all I know, every beginning will be followed by the ending at the end of the journey, the earlier part is always difficult..new place, new frens, new environment, new culture but the same old me, I guess it doesn’t blend quite well as I’m still adjusting to the new thing..but as the journey took place..e’thing went just nice and well, and come to the end..it is sad to say goodbye to each other coz, only god knows when will we see each other again especially for those in east malaysia ( my roomy )…that nite during the closing dinner…”kenangan terindah” song was played and it suits more than ever to my ears.. : ) and that ‘doa perpisahan song’ always make me cry..instantly when it played, so many things seem to be reminisced from my mind…

It is so good to be back home and to be with my sweet hubby that I miss all the time when I was there..

My dearest parents stayed overnight with me the moment I reached home..I guess they miss me just as much I miss them ..thks for their prayers..Insyallah I’ll pass with a wide smile on my face : )

To my normal and routine life, I miss you and I’ll treasure you even more..

1 comment:

::i.e.r.a:: said...


glad you're back...
rindunya bila blog diana sepi...
NOW... penulisnyer dah balik...
*wink wink* :)